More Snow

I looked down at my feet this morning and saw this… Sometimes I wore odd socks to school and I used to tell my seventh graders who pointed this out to me that I was making a fashion statement!

This is how it looked outside yesterday. Note the bits of green and soggy grass showing. I managed to get all the bird feeders filled yesterday including the one hanging from the lilac bush on the right of the picture. You can see that the post to tie out a dog to the left of the lilac bush is quite visible, right?

Now, this is the same area this morning… The dog post is almost all covered up.  And here is what I saw this morning as I looked out. Ignore the out-of-focus blobs. That is snow blown up against our screen door sticking there.Notice the height of the pile of snow on the table and the fact that the dog post has almost completely disappeared…

I am SO glad I got out there yesterday and filled all the feeders before this morning. There was a small flock of blackbirds gathered around the lilac bush feeder this morning.

photojojo! we find the best photo shiz anywhere

QUOTATIONS: Courage does not always roar. Sometimes, it is the quiet voice at the

end of the day saying, "I will try again tomorrow".

– – Mary Anne Radmacher-Hershey

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Ci vedo dopo…. see you later…


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March 17, 2007

I should be mailing your Balaclava by Monday!! 🙂

March 17, 2007

ryn: So if you’re Irish (even just a little bit, like say 1/64th), does that just automatically take you out of the running to be pinched? I’m wearing my green too…but as far as I know, there is no known Irish in my family. I would so love to visit that country though.

March 17, 2007

: ) *huggs* I bet the birdies are oh so grateful!

March 17, 2007

Yuck, the snow. Sorry you got blasted. Good idea with the before and after shots. You’re funny with your unmatching tennis shoes! Did you go out of the house like that??? 🙂

March 17, 2007

I have done that before with the shoes and haven’t noticed until I got to the gym to work out. Tell me that wasn’t embarassing. I was hoping nobody noticed.

OMG!!! That’s a lot of snow! You really got pounded. We don’t normally get that much this time of year. Thank goodness. I am SO done with snow! You have my sympathy. (aka Starting Over signed in as….)

March 17, 2007

oh, did you get outdoors before realizing you had on mismatched shoes? :o) !! I’ve never done that, but one time I wore my dirty ol’ stinky sneakers to work instead of my white leather uniform shoes. How embarrassing it was!! I hope that this will be your last snow ’til next winter…now I must go fill my birdfeeders again too! hugs, Weesprite

March 17, 2007

I have a pair of dark navy loafers and a black pair that are the same style, just different colors. I never notice that I have the wrong match until I get to class, church, etc. It aggravates me. Spring is just around the corner or so “they” say. You couldn’t prove it by your outdoor scene or our temperatures this week!

My little niece would say ” Bwess your bones. You got fused. ( confused ) ” LOL I bet you and Fred will be glad to see the end of the snow for this season. Hugs, M

I wandered here from Prairie Winds. I’d be interested in your yogurt recipe a couple entries back, if you’re willing to share.

March 17, 2007

two feet, two shoes,… works for me,..o.o

gosh, such a lot of snow. It has been very warm here – even almost summer like. The flowers have gone and flowered and the trees have done the same and now they are announcing snow for next week. My bones tell me it is going to be very cold… or that I didn’t eat enough dairy produce lately. One or the other. We’ll see.

hehe, love the shoes btw.

March 17, 2007

The shoes are GREAT! Years ago, I used to get dressed in the dark every morning. I’d made the mistake of buying the same pair of pumps in navy, gray, and brown. Got to work, looked down and realized I had one blue shoe and one brown.. Heh, oop’s! Love to you! ~M

March 17, 2007

we got about a foot of the white stuff, mostly overnight. i think we’re all dug out now. it was difficult getting blake to his house this morning with all the snow that fell. i’m wondering what kind of blackbirds you have. i’m waiting on the redwing blackbirds and grackles to let me know it’s spring! take care,

March 17, 2007

We got hammered down here too. I am so sick of winter this year.

March 17, 2007

RYN: Confirmation! Thank you! I was going to put a pic of women in bingo queues in that entry to show what I meant & couldn’t find a single one even after googling all sorts of variations of phrases with curlers, rollers, bingo queues, bingo halls and headscarves in them – was most surprised!

March 17, 2007

That’s a lot of snow.

The shoes kinda look neat like that 🙂 I’ve given up hope that winter and snow will ever go away.

LOL at your shoes. So easily done though. 🙂

When they talk about global warming or the more fashionable term ‘climate changes’, I think come to the north! I like how your back yard looks. Oh, different colour shoe laces would be a fashion statement.

March 18, 2007

ryn: It’s a Casio Exilim. It’s one of those super slim cameras that you can slip in your pocket or purse and always have it on hand.