Temperature? Brr!
Italian Phrase of the Day: È servita calda o fredda? Is it served hot or cold?
My comment on this: Mangiavo mai la minestra fredda! C’è buona? I have never eaten cold soup! Is it good?
The temperature this morning is minus 1. But there is a nasty wind causing it to feel like minus 19. So, when/if Leslie calls this morning {as she usually does to tell me she has left work} I am going to nix the walking. Actually, she may not call because she may not have gone to work at all since she sounded so bad yesterday. I will take a short walk this afternoon instead when the temperature reaches the projected balmy high of 4 degrees!
Today I am going to spend most of the day on Italian homework. I can’t believe she has given us so much grammar to do. And then there is our usual raccontino and the web assignment. Actually, I did look for something on il sport last night. La prof gave us a couple of newpaper names to check on. She also said that one of them had the capacity to translate into English but if it does, I couldn’t find it. However, there is always Google automatic translation which give a sort of idea of what is going on but, like babelfish, can produce some weird and wonderful results. For example, in an article about soccer, {il calcio} a comment is made that "Spalletti, comunque, si accontenta dopo il 2-2 nella semifinale di Coppa Italia." Now, I would translate that is "Spaletti however, is pleased with the 2-2 in the semifinal of the Italy Cup." Google translates it as "Spalletti, however, is pleased after the 2-2 in the semiend of Italy Goblet." No matter how inaccurate, comunque, these automatic translations are helpful in giving me a general idea of what the article is about.Leslie just called and we agreed that we would be foolish to walk when the temperature "feels like minus 19 degrees! " So, I am off to pour myself a cup of coffee to get my brain in gear and them to tackle "il raccontino" {the little story} which this week is about a boy and girl who make cookies. {biscotti} Incidentally, la prof said that one time she couldn’t resist the temptation to ask for one "biscotto" in Starbucks. She was asked if she wanted a biscotti {which is the plural form.}
QUOTATION FOR THIS MONTH: If you are distressed by anything external, the pain is not due to the thing itself, but to your estimate of it; and this you have the power to revoke at any moment. — Marcus Aurelius
Until later….
From now on I’m going to refer to sports events like the America’s Cup as either the Goblet or possibly the Mug! :o) !! I just got back from a walk in our wind-chill-below-zero morning. Whew, it WAS cold! and so windy that the poor vultures seemed to be flying in place instead of moving! hugs, Weesprite
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My guess is that the people who work in Starbucks don’t have a clue that “biscotti” is even an Italian word!
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I woke up to 4 degrees this morning. I’m waiting for the promised balmy 14. Ohhhh, how things have changed.
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I think walking in weather that cold would be hazardous to your health! I have ALWAYS thought biscottI was the plural! HA! I’m smarter than I thought!!!
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I would like to have a cup of tea or coffee. It would be nice right now. Minus 19 degrees makes me just want to cry. That is SOOOOOOOOO cold!
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Brrrrrrr…..Keep Warm!!! If it were 4 degrees here I wouldn’t even go out!
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Good ole VT winters! I like the way sound travels so well in the cold air and you can hear the sound of snow crunching under your boots.
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Oh man, the above noter actually made me miss snow. That wonderful crunching sound as you make your way through it. I certainly don’t miss the cold though. You better bundle up if you decide to take that walk!!! Hugs, M
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brrrr, that’s cold.
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Minus 19????? Oh my God! I’m bottling up some warm and sending it right away!!!! Love to you. ~M
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I wish we had starbucks!!! Everywhere else in Australia does…
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Wind chill bites the big one! I don’t mind the cold weather but when the wind blows it is terrible. It makes you cold down to the bone.
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I hope it warms up enough for you to be able to do you walks soon. It has been pretty consistently +10 here in the day time down to -10 at night.
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