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January 13, 2007

Oh, my….

I just had my students do a project on this at school, and they were gobsmacked that something like that had happened. And horrified at what was STILL going on there.

yes, I just talked about it with my german A-level class. One of them became as moved as I did that she changed her oral topic to Chernobyl. i will give her the link. I can’t believe it is already 20 years ago. People who are having children were perhaps my age or younger when it happened. I have no words to express the horror that they have lived.

January 13, 2007

oh my god… that was just horrific…

January 13, 2007

I didn’t realize that so many people were still suffering… I mean, I should have realized it… you can’t have an accident like that and have limited consequences.. I am heartsick.