Nuevo Anno Felice!

The title of today’s entry is the first page of my new Phrase-a=Day Italian calendar that Fred gave me. The phrase is pronounced  /NWOH-voh AHN-noh fay-LEE-chay/ and means, of course, Happy New Year!

Last night I stayed up until midnight and Fred and I watched the ball drop and exchanged a kiss or two when the New year began officially! I then went straight to bed without taking my pills so I am somewhat achey this morning. However, I have taken my morning pills and am drinking coffee and I have put the ingredients for a loaf of bread into the machine. We are going for lunch to our next-door neigbor’s at noon and that is my contribution.

Tomorrow marks the beginning of back to Real Life for most of us and I know Mitchell and Grace {the children next door } are back in school. Well, the school routine doesn’t start for me until considerably later in the month–around the 22nd I think. I already have two of my text books but it is proving quite difficult to get the third one. Oddly enough, we had the same problem with one book last semester, too. I thought it was just Amazon being weird but apparently, as la prof found out, the book was out of print because it was being rewritten.

Well, I am off to do an hour or thereabouts of Italian grammar. I am also thinking about my goals for this year…

Until later….


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January 1, 2007

Happy New Year! J and I managed to stay up til midnight, but promptly passed out right after. Hope you have a wonderful day 🙂

January 1, 2007

What a lovely thing to be thinking of on the first day of the year, baking bread and Italian grammar. Stopping by to say hello and wish you and Fred a year of health and happiness.

January 1, 2007

The neighbor’s kids might NOT be going to school tomorrow, though….they should check and make sure! The district Joe works for is closed because of the Day of Mourning for former president Ford! I hope you can get the book you need for class. I hate finding out a book I want is out-of-print! Btw, I am very excited that I will be taking classes this year too! hugs, Weesprite

E nuovo anno felice a te anche … how interesting to have a new phrase every day — phrases are so much handier than just words, becuase you can kind of jam them in to social or other occasions so much more readily if you have them off by heart — I had occasion once to say “How very kind of you” in a formal situation and was SOOOO glad to be able to (blushing of course) stutter out “E molto gentile da sua parte ” in what I hope was fairly understandable REAL Italian. Much better than having tp compose the bits of it in my head, under pressure. You have a sweetie there in Fred.

January 1, 2007

Happy New Year to you and to Fred (pass it on). My son has to be back in class on Wed. His friends at other universities don’t have to be back till Monday. Too bad, we are enjoying our visit so much!

It sounds so crazy to hear kids are going back to school tomorrow!!! The kids here are on their summer holidays until the beginning of February and I don’t go back to uni until the end of Feb…

January 1, 2007

I need to do my New Years resolutions too. Need to get to work on that.

Happy New Year Patricia.

Happy New Year!

January 1, 2007

A very Happy New Year to you and Fred.

Happy New Year!:)

January 1, 2007

You are off to a very productive start to the year.

Happy New Year. 🙂

January 1, 2007

ryn: I posted my answer, but the simple one was climate! It’s not too hot or too cold here, and I like it temperate.

January 1, 2007

I’m sure you are going to enjoy your new Italian calendar all year. Hubs & I stayed up till after 2a.m., I was surprised Hubs made it. Which classes are you going to be taking this semester?