Today So Far

I went out to the mall this morning with the intention of getting my hair cut. It was about 11:30 am. I asked for someone who could razor-cut hair and the first place had someone coming in at 2 pm. Nope, not going to stay that long. The second place had a woman who had razor-cut my hair last time, but her next free appointment was at 1:15. Reluctantly, I turned it down and wandered onwards. Then, after about 5 minutes, I thought, "Ok, why not!" She did an excellent job last time so I walked back to the shop. I called Fred in the way to tell him I would be later than I had said. However, when I got there, she had just given that slot to someone else! So, next Wednesday at 3:30 pm, I have an appointment. And I have noted on my calendar to bring my camera, too, so I can go to the camera shop in the mall and buy a clever little gadget that attaches my camera’s lens-cap to the camera so I don’t lose it. There are, apparently, two kinds, and the girl behind the counter needed my camera to tell me which one I wanted. After that, I wandered around a lot enjoying the air conditioned mall. Finally, I went to the food court and had a slice of Sbarro’s mushroom pizza and a small cup of Ben and Jerry’s rasperry ice cream.

When I got back, I went into the air conditioned bedroom {you are, I expect, seeing a trend here} and continued reading until Fred enticed me out with a cup of watermelon chunks.

I have not walked today except around the mall.. Fred has gone off to the grocery store and I will bring the bags up the stairs when he returns.

Until later…

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August 12, 2005

heh,heh…. at’ll learn ya, “strike while the iron is hot”.. or some such old saw….

August 12, 2005

I hate hair appointments and will probably never make one ’til my hair’s so long I step on it when I try to walk. I sympathize with you ’bout missing the available slot! As for only walking at the mall….well heck, it’s just been darn hot. C’mon Autumn has become my mantra! Here’s wishing you a lovely evening. hugs, Weesprite

August 12, 2005

I’m ready for a little cooler weather, too!

August 12, 2005

My hair is in that awful in need of a cut stage, but I’m trying to hold off, as its an expense we don’t need right now, and I don’t have anyone to impress. I just wish my bangs would hurry and get long enough to fit behind my ears!

August 12, 2005
August 12, 2005

MMMMMMMM Ben and Jerry’s peanut butter is so much better. *giggles* Hugs

August 12, 2005

sounds like you have it all worked out! And yes, air conditioning… a must lately.

September 2, 2005

Hi! I can’t belive how far behind I am with your entries.