Wednesday Evening

You will notice that in the top left corner Couple with a Globe has gone and the wonderful Sean Bean {drool} is back! In case you are wondering who he is, he played Boromir in Lord of the Rings. This is a picture of him as Richard Sharpe in the television series made from Bernard Cornwell’s books. I recommend them. Netflix has all 14 of them…

I need to find something to draw for tomorrow. Jean told us that she would set up a still life or we could bring something we wanted to draw. {I am assuming she will be working on our portfolio evaluations.}  I think I would like to draw a picture from a photograph. So I need to look through my photographs ands decide what I want and print it out.

I am still debating what I want to sign up for next. I was saying color work which would be either oil painting or pastels but it suddenly occurred to me that I had enjoyed Drawing I so much it might be a good idea to try Drawing II? Of course, one reason I enjoyed this class so much is that Jean is such an excellent teacher. But I have this belief that one can learn even from a bad teacher. For me it all depends on mind set. If I go into the class looking for skills to learn, then, of course, I will find some. I can’t remember if I mentioned that Robin, the student I tutor, has also started Drawing I and hates it.  She has a different teacher. When I asked her was it the teacher, she said that he was good but she just didn’t want to draw the things she was having to draw! Well, if you are not there to learn what the teacher is offering, why are you taking the course? {I thought it  but didn’t say it! even though I really wanted to!}

Ok, list for tomorrow morning:

  • put the ingredients for a loaf of brown bread into the machine.
  • go for a walk because it is supposed to be a little cooler tomorrow!
  • take one last look at my portfolio and see if there are any last-minute touch-ups I need to do.
  • make sure I have a photograph or I will have to do her still life and I like portaits much better
  • start on cleaning out the corner where the art desk {which is still in in a box in my car} will eventually go when we find a new home for the green chair.
  • list the green chair {and a box of plastic packing peanuts } on Freecycle. Maybe I should take a picture of the chair and provide a link…
  • go to the final art class.

Until later…

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June 29, 2005

I’m still seeing the Globe picture. 🙁 Green chair, huh? How I wish I lived near by! 😉

This time I do see the new picture. Patricia – quit drooling! LOL

June 29, 2005

Never heard of the guy, Patrisha… lol. I didn’t watch the Lord of the Rings series… Not interesting to me. But anyways, good luck with the portfolio.. -James

June 29, 2005

I LOVE freecycle! I am so addicted to it, it is insane. have a good day/night!

June 29, 2005

I think you ought to go on to learn more, you’ve obviously have talents in those directions, and of course you’re there to learn! I agree with you completely on that sentiment.

June 29, 2005

Interesting. I’ll bet you get a top grade on your portfolio!

June 29, 2005

If they offer it I would jump on a printmaking class. Doing monotypes (single prints pulled off of glass) and then drawing into the image with charcoal, conte’, etc… is great stuff. In general it helped me greatly in formalizing compositions and drawings because everything is so deliberate and planned… kind of forces you to think in steps. And you get to use all the neat papers too.

June 30, 2005

You do well to not tell Robin what you think, I guess…. it can sure be hard, though! 🙂 If she doesn’t enjoy the class, she should drop it. Or she could take it, and do the work, but then draw things she LIKES in her spare time. Sheesh. I hope you have a good day! hugs, Weesprite

Robin has yet to learn that she will get more from the class is she stops resisting it!