What I Did Today

I am exhausted.

 I was going to work on my drawing this evening but I am too tired. So, I will set the alarm for 6 am tomorrow {as I did this morning for my dental appointment} and make finishing the drawing a priority. It is actually almost done. I have six buildings all rectangular and all profusely decorated! I have no idea why I decided to decorate the buildings the way I have. Some have graffiti-type designs and others are just different materials.

Ok, I started off the day at the dentist getting my teeth cleaned as I do every six months. I was very pleased because the little gum pockets they measure at this time are less deep than they have been. I have been using my Sonicare for longer on the back molars and there is a definite improvement. Home to work on the drawing for about an hour then out for a walk.

Then I went with Fred to the dialysis center. It was interesting. A nurse explained all the possibilities and we asked lots of questions. If Fred has to take this, it will be three times a week for the rest of his life. First, he will have to have a fistula in his arm. This is where an artery is joined to a vein . We talked to a woman who showed us hers It looked like a slightly swollen vein in her wrist and this is where the needle is put in. It was explained to us what happens but I haven’t retained much of it. What I remember is that once he starts this, he will have to continue to do it for the rest of his life because his kidneys will stop working since they are not being used. There were about six people where we were. Most were older people like the woman we talked to but there was one pre-teen boy and quite a young women. Anyway, he brought me home and then went on to his kidney doctor. When he got back he said he  has an appointment to have the veins in his arm "mapped" so that it can be seen where to put the fistula if he decides to do this.

While he was gone, I worked on the drawing some more and then walked up to the school for the last longline dancing class which was fun. We danced pretty well none stop for 45 minutes and then filled out an evaluation . After that, we sat around and talked a lot! I walked home and ate. Now the day has caught up with me and I don’t feel like working on the drawing. If I get up at six, I will be able to get it done {I would estimate that there is maybe an hour and a half of work to do} I need to get into the class pretty early, put my stuff on the table and then go out to the art store and get a crow quill pen. I thought I had got one but now I can’t find it. We are starting ink tomorrow.

We are also getting our halfway-through-the-course evaluations. If I don’t get a good grade on this drawing, I may finish with an A minus or a B plus. I will not be devastated if I don’t get an A as once I would have been. I would like  an  A and that is what I am working for, but I know I am learning a lot even if I don’t get the grade I think I have earned , . The problem with this piece of work is that I may have bitten off more than I can chew. I had a choice between a large paper and a smaller one. I chose the larger one mostly because I love constructing rectangular buildings with a ruler and two vanishing points! I am actually enjoying making the surfaces of these buildings look both decorative and textural, but it is a lot of work.

I am off to watch a little mindless TV right now. I will put the drawing and my pencils on the bed just in case I feel like doing a bit more…

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Reading the part about your teeth made me think about how careful I am taking care of mine especially after mom had her last 8 teeth pulled last week and now has full dentures. I want my teeth for a lifetime. RYN: Thanks for liking my picture.

June 8, 2005

I hope you put up a scan of this latest drawing. It sounds very interesting!

June 8, 2005
June 8, 2005

You are so busy. Good luck with the drawing. I am going to have my gums “cleaned out” next Tues. YUK!!!

ryn: It’s an amazing feeling, eh? Just knowing it’s time 🙂 Thanks for the note.

June 8, 2005

Sometimes you need a little escapist TV.

June 8, 2005

I didn’t realize that dialysis basically “helped” the kidneys to shut down and stop working. I always thought it was a little “let’s just give those poor over-worked kidneys some help”. Didn’t realize they saw the ‘help’ as an excuse to go on a permanent vacation.

June 8, 2005

My father was on dialysis. It wasn’t the best experience in the world for him, but it certainly prolonged his life. I hope Fred will be okay with it.

Your drawing sounds interesting, especially the graffiti. Pen and ink should be fun. I’ll bet you get an A! If not we know you deserve it.

June 8, 2005

good luck to fred with his kidneys, I know this involves some serious decisions. 🙂

June 8, 2005

Line dancing too? You are just way too busy for me to keep up. Wow.

June 9, 2005

I hope it all works out with Fred…and your drawing sounds really cool!!! Have a good one!!! Josh

June 9, 2005

I’m sorry that Fred has to go through with this. I hope it will make him feel better though if he choses to do that.

Sorry I forgot to mention it earlier, but I know this is tough for Fred to go through, and also for you. You’re both troopers but still, it is rough. I’m hoping for the best for him and you.