More Amex Problems

Yesterday evening I went on line to pay my American Express {Amex} bill and was horrified to discover yet MORE charges I didn’t make showing up from my old card which Amex told me they had cancelled well over a week ago.  So, after I had put my new card number in, I called the toll-free telephone number on the back of my card and spoke to a person in India. I am assuming this because he had an Indian accent—“Bombay Welsh” is easily recognizable–and eventually got one of the two amounts taken off my account. The other one, which is over $1000 will have to be investigated, he told me. He said I should get something in the mail within 30 days and he gave me a reference number. I paid the two charges I had made and told him I expected to see the two others disappear within a few days. However, I  looked this morning and they are still there! There will be skating lessons in Hell before I pay anything I have not charged.

In other news, I am not doing too well in trying to train myself to go to sleep earlier and get up earlier. I just could not sleep last night and it was well after 3 am before I wound down enough to drift off. So, that meant that I was up at 9 am instead of my preferred time ot 7 am. I have been for a walk up to the pharmacy to get Fred’s medication and then after that a “proper” {longer} walk out across Main Street to the other side of town. I may try a second walk this afternoon.

Things yet to be done today:{in no particular order}

  • Go for a second walk
  • Make a loaf of white bread. I was  going to make the two-cheeses bread but realized we have no cheddar at all–which is unusual.
  • Do the dishes and tidy the kitchen
  • Maybe do some art?
  • Maybe read?

Until later…

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May 1, 2005

fresh bread sounds GOOD!

May 1, 2005

and that’s terrible about the charges. They BETTER look into this. They HAVE to reverse them when you challenge them

May 1, 2005

How about some “winding down” routines before bed? After 9:00 p.m. don’t do anything to get the brain cells firing, like watching a movie or cleaning house…just winding-down stuff. I like to watch something interesting on TV that doesn’t make you think or get the blood pumping. It might help to get “reprogrammed” if you took something to help you get to sleep for one or two days as well.

I think you should look at one of your credit reports. Soon. If more show up, call your local police department and go from there.

May 1, 2005

“Cancelled” – didn’t you say that you don’t double the final consonant when the accent is on the first syllable? Or was that only when you’re adding “ing”?