
I have been fairly productive today. I got up in time to open the downstairs door for the new Schwann’s man {named Jim–the previous man got promoted to training} and about 30 minutes later took delivery of a few things we ordered including a box of fudge sticks worth every delicious calorie. The fudge sticks are 50 calories and we also ordered some of their 40 calorie strawberry pops which have real crushed up strawberries in them. I can also recommend their new lasagna and the chicken pot pies.

Next, I did the dishes which were not many because Fred didn’t cook last night {Ummm, it is a given that I don’t ! LOL} and we were eating left-overs. Next I put on a heavier pair of socks and my boots and went for a walk. I was out 30 minutes but didn’t walk as far or as fast as I usually do because even on the roads there was ice. We had a couple of days of melting snow and then a precipitous drop in temperature so there is ice everywhere. I really don’t enjoy walking if I have to walk with my eyes glued to the area in front of my feet.

Then, this afternoon, Fred said he had a couple of prescriptions that needed to be picked up. He mentioned this because knows I sometimes need to have a reason for going out in the afternoon! I have a little gift for my sister {I am not going to say what it is because she often reads my journal! } that I bought on Ebay which was already packed up and on my desk so I combined the two jobs. I first walked downhill to the post office and mailed the package then I walked up, and up, and up a very steep hill to the drug store to get the prescriptions. By this time my face was freezing and my nose was running like a river so I was glad to take the short way home and here I am. And I am going nowhere else today!

Hope everyone is having a good day and keeping warm…

Until later…

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February 18, 2005

Don’t you just love those days when you can do your thing and then get home and snuggle inside for the day? I love the days where I don’t have to go anywhere and I value them because they are few and far between. Have a great weekend. It’s cold here and chilly.

February 18, 2005

Sounds like a good day for you!

February 18, 2005

that food sounds good. we have nothing here.

February 18, 2005

You are an amazement to me! Walking no matter what the weather or that it’s icy out! I tend to be such a wimp, although I did walk from the parking lot to the office this morning, in the rain. I know, small potatoes compared to your accomplishment, but I was proud that I talked myself into not waiting for the shuttle.

February 18, 2005

It’s nice and warm here.

February 18, 2005

I hope that you have a wonderful day! Every time I am out in the cold my nose runs too, that is so bother some. Blessings.

You are braver than I! Good job with the walking!

February 18, 2005
February 18, 2005

: ) *huggs* very productive indeed!

February 18, 2005

it’s gonna be too cold for me to walk the next two or three days! merlyn and i walked even tho the wind was blowing today and it made my face so very cold. but, the next days will be too cold, i think. melting and refreezing makes for dangerous walks. take care when you do walk.

I know how you feel. I had big plans all day while at work about how I was going to go grocery shopping and to the gym tonight. Those plans faded with the sun and I’m so happy to be here in my warm cocoon this evening.

Lasagna sounds good 😉 We’re having warm sunny days and cold nights. Stay comfy!

February 18, 2005

A good time to curl up by the old wood stove!!

February 19, 2005

Sounds like a better day than mine. As soon as i find a box large enough for the cleaner I will ship it off. It works just fine.

ryn: Yeah – the snow is mostly in the Durham/Cleveland/Newcastle area but heading into Yorkshire and East Anglia. I hope it doesn’t come here.