Miscellaneous Thoughts

Since I feel much better after a two-hour nap, I am concluding that all my irritation earlier was mostly due to lack of sleep.

The physical therapist came today and put Fred through all sorts of contortions to help him develop leg strength and improve his balance. I just went out into the living room and saw him going through them again by himself and he told me he has walked around the table a couple of times. He apparently was very taken by the fact that she said this would be a good thing to do because he could keep one finger on the table which would assuage his fear of falling! Apparently it is quite common for patients who need physical therapy to have a fear of falling.

I have eaten quite a lot {ummm, that means too much} low fat but high calorie ice-cream.

My walk today was cut short by the bad weather. The temperature tomorrow will be higher. The visiting nurse will be here around 11 pm and I should be able to get in a walk before then.

I am off to bed after spending some time getting my new CDs into the laptop and then into the IPod. New music to listen to tomorrow….

Until later…

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I need to revamp my music selection on my MP3 player. Thanks for reminding me.

January 12, 2005

I must be irritated quite often since I am always lacking in sleep! LOL 🙂

January 12, 2005

Glad your equanimity is restored.

January 12, 2005

Glad that Fred is getting better every day.

I can understand Fred feeling that he might fall. That’s the way I feel on the treadmill if I don’t have at least a light hold or touch on the handrail. I don’t trust my sense of balance, or I have a poor sense of balance. You are right about wearing proper shoes, I believe. Did you get a new pair for Fred yet? It’s kind of hard buying shoes for someone who can’t try them on in the store.

Oooh, new CDs! Fun!

January 13, 2005

Music! I keep forgetting that I have a portable head-set CD player. I need more music in my life! So glad Fred is up & moving. He could use a walker in the apartment which gives him something to hold on to. Nurse should be able to provide that!Don’t worry about that ice cream. It’s just a little stress medication! Love,Anna

January 13, 2005

glad the nap made you feel better. take care,

January 13, 2005

I worry about falling all the time..and Im not going through physical therapy

January 13, 2005

amazing how nappy-pooh’s make you feel better isn’t it. We have a three day weekend and that means to me that if I wake up early there is still time for one or two naps this weekend and i am actually looking forward to it. I will send you more info on the “machine” when I have it. I will see if Punk can talk to my nephew again today if he is back in town. hugs r

January 13, 2005
January 13, 2005
January 13, 2005
January 13, 2005

Hey the lack of sleep makes me quite irritable.

January 13, 2005

everyone needs to rant every once in a while, or you will burst. *huggs* and am glad you got in your nap!

January 13, 2005

Heck, I’m irritable WITH sleep!!!! Kidding, or at least I think I am…. I’m down to about 6 hours or so a night….but that’s just me. Glad things are at least a bit better…. Love ya! ~M

January 14, 2005

Have a happy day. I am always cranky when really tired. Blessings.

January 17, 2005

I wish I had one half of the energy you do. Glad to hear that Fred is coming along well. I hope that he has a full, and complete recovery soon. Take care, and God Bless you both.