It’s Saturday Morning Still!

I was up at 5 this morning and now it is almost noon. I have spent quite a lot of time watching Master and Commander. I have to say that I was most impressed.

 I have read almost all of Patrick O’Brien’s Aubrey and Maturin books and this film was excellent. Yes, there was  “blood and guts” which normally turn me off a movie but this was not gratuitous violence. Well, except for maybe the part where the British succeeded in boarding the French ship Acheron.  I felt that went on a little too long although there were no places where I had to shut my eyes because it was all too much for me. And I loved the bit where he met the French “doctor” and discovered later who he really was! I had forgotten that.

I can’t really say I have got much done today so far. I got Fred some breakfast and filled up the bird feeders. The birds were amusing this morning. We have a small feeder on a long cord and as the birds fly on and off it, it spins like a carousel. I swear that they looked a little dizzy! Well, I certainly did just watching this thing spin round and round.

Fred is back in bed napping. When he gets up again, I am off to the grocery store! {Boo! Hiss!}

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I had to go to the grocery store TWICE this morning (boo! boo! Hiss! Hiss!) I need to get some seed for my bird feeder. I miss my little birdies, even if all they are is sparrows.

January 1, 2005

My bird feeder swings around empty outside my window. I filled it once – away son did it for me actually – I think some ground corn/chicken feed might work till I get some real bird feed.

January 1, 2005
January 1, 2005

I did the store thing yesterday , YUK ! lol

January 1, 2005

I haven’t seen M&C. I keep meaning to order it from Netflix. Thanks for the reminder.

January 1, 2005

Do you walk to the grocery store?

January 1, 2005

grocery shopping, boo hiss, I need to do that too! LOL đŸ™‚

January 1, 2005

I’m sorry you have to start your new year with grocery shopping đŸ™‚ Have a wonderful New Year!

January 1, 2005

Ack, I had to go to the store this morning myself. Would rather have watched a movie. đŸ™‚

January 1, 2005

I have to shut my eyes AND cover my ears during violent parts of movies. Too much of it IS there just for the show; I’m glad your movie, though, was very satisfying! It will be wonderful when Fred feels well enough to be back to doing his things so you can let him do that grocery shopping again! Here’s wishing you a pleasant evening. hugs, Weesprite

January 1, 2005

Happy New Year! *huggs* I hope all is well and Fred starts getting interested in his usual things.

January 1, 2005

Oh, I’d say you got a whole lot of relaxing done, which you sorely needed. Nice!

We’re taking it easy today, too. HAPPY NEW YEAR! Hope it is a great time for you đŸ˜€

i liked master and commander very much, too. it was fun to see the characters from the O’brien books come to life. the little midshipmen made me sad for their mothers…glad you are getting around o.k.