Travel Tips Part One

I was reading in Boots’ diary about her plans for her vacation and so I have decided to make a list of travel tips…stuff that helps me.

1. Be comfortable. This means for me loose clothing, no bra, and being able to take my shoes off on the plane.

2. Last time I went to England, I packed my medication in my bag that went ahead of me straight to Gatwick. This time my Klonopin and Ativan {new since the last trip} will be with me.

3. It really helps me to have my schedule written on a 3 X 5 in my bag. I know I can look at that schedule given to me by the travel agency, but having it all on a card is MUCH easier for me. Oh, and I always work out the hours and minutes I will be in the air…

This is going to have to be in two parts because we are going out to eat in an airconditioned restaurant…RIGHT NOW!

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