Free Stuff!

Yesterday, I only had one class to go to. The other two classes cancelled for the day so I didn’t feel like going to a 20 minute class. Instead, I slept until around 11 (I think) and got on the computer. I wanted to visit Liz because I knew we would spend at least one day together while I was on break. I didn’t see her on so I got off and called her.

She told me she was busy moving things into her new room (they have another trailer next to the current one), and that her mom was having problems lifting with her left shoulder. Her mom got on the phone and we talked for about 10 minutes; she asked me if I would like to come down and help; I agreed and told Liz I would be down there after I eat.

After I got down there, she told me we were going to run some errands before working on her new room. So we went to the hospital, post office, wal-mart, and the place where her ex works at. The next part I’m not going to write about because it’s her decision if she wants to or not. Basically, she’s no longer with him now.

I will say this though: I was very annoyed with the way people think of me down there. Usually, I don’t care what others think, but I am known as “the-guy-Seth-fussed-at-liz-over” because he took me for another one of Liz’s ex *rolls eyes*.

So after that, I told her to pull the car over because she was beginning to cry. I did it just to be safe because I didn’t want her crying to affect her driving you know? So she cried for about 5 minutes and then we went back to her house. Her mom asked me if I wanted a piece of taco pie, and I said yes. Liz cooked the taco pie and it was yummy *smiles*. It’s basically like lasagna but with crescent rolls.

After that, we moved boxes from her new room into her parents’ new room. We were having fun and knocking out the chores in a heartbeat. Then, we were cleaning out her old closet when Seth called again. This time, she hung up on him so things btw those two are over. Her mom and I are relieved at that. Lately, he finds something to argue about and she’s tired of it. It’s bad when my best friend starts to cuss because she was taught not to really do that stuff. As soon as she said the f word, her mom was like, ‘go talk to her’.

I went over to her new room and held her. I didn’t really say anything but I stroked her hair. Eventually, she got over it and we started working again. Her mom was making jokes about how she can find things when she cleans out her closet *nods*. So we began to take jackets, and dresses to her new room. We also *tried* to dance but it didn’t work so well -_-. It became really late so I had to leave.

Before that, though, we were gazing at the stars. I told her about Sirius, Canis Major, Orion, and Taurus. She told me that the red star in Orion is Betelgeuse hehe. All in all it was a great day even though Seth had to make her cry grr…

I also got free shoes, two books, a travel game set and a new jacket.

I forgot to mention that I snuck in a surprise: a card. On my other diary, she left me a virtual bear hug to cheer me up. It was quite a surprise I must say so I figured I’d pay her back. While in Wal-Mart, I told her I wanted to get something else without her knowing. So I got her a card. When we got back to her house, I snuck around front and wrote in her card that I love her and thanks for the hug and stuff like that. She said she needed it *smiles*.

That’s about all I did yesterday. Hope everyone has a good day.

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March 1, 2003

*smiles* sounds like a pretty good day.. except for Seth making her cry. But, at least she had someone there to help cheer her up 🙂 hugs,

Aww, how cute are you? Liz is a lucky girl to have such a sweet friend like you, well done for supporting her when Seth was being a jerk 🙂 Sorry I haven’t spoken to you on MSN in a while. Danny and I are all ok again, thank god! My friend is coming from London today say I’m excited about that. I’ll hopefully talk to you soon. Miss yoooou! *bear hug*!

March 1, 2003

that was really nice of you to be there for her. *hugs*

your such a great guy to be there for her. the world needs more guys like you then. cause there’s just too few of them left. take care…. PS. I enjoyed talking to you online today… we’ll have to do it again!! Meg

March 2, 2003

awww, that sounds so sweet… people like you are the greatest thing anyone can ask for when they’re down. ryn: thanks for all the nice notes lately. i hope this week is better than the last few weeks. january and february were really tough on me, let’s hope March is better.