Shleebee911: living on my own. if i wanna be a history majior, than cool. if i don’t, then why lear it? I understand english and stuff, but who cares about science unless you wanna be a scientist? or a medical person?
Shleebee911: 1-8 grade, that’s all you need
Shleebee911: and kindergarden
That was part of the conversation ashley and I had about school. She claims that she doesn’t need school past middle school. I strongly disagree.
See, you need as much education as you can get to become profficient in the profession of your choice. I will say, however, that there are certain subject matters which are useless one way or the other. There are those that aid you tremendously in life. For the former, I would say that having a class like GSU 1010 won’t help me all that much. However, having a class like phil will definately help me. I have learned fallacies which could determine whether or not someone’s proposal is true or have flaws.
Also, if you are a natural at a subject, high school and beyond allows you to perfect your craft. Just this past semester, I took english 1102. Thanks to that class, my writing and grammar skills have improved because I understand the English language more fully now. I could not become an award winning author if I had skipped high school and started writing professionally.
Subjects like science help you to formulate a strategy to help solve problems. Math helps you figure out how interest rates will affect your credit card with each purchase. Those are just a few examples of why going to high school and college can help you out.
What do you learn in school that you couldn’t learn on your own from picking up a book? True, you’re taught ways to think, but in the end, it’s YOU who does the learning, not the teacher, so why is it that so many people think the teacher is necessary? Most writers in the Renaissance never went to public school. They educated themselves with books, trips, tutors… just a thought. :0)
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RYN: Good teachers provide good guidance. Bad teachers??? I still think the majority of what we learn comes from living and not from being told. But I am, of course, one of those individuals who can’t always sit still and listen. I’d rather live something I guess. :0) Good point, I do agree, but I did want to acknowledge that the traditional education system isn’t the only option. :0)
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not only do you need education…but you need the experiances that come with it!
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