Some vanity talk

So OK, this is a picture of Zooey Deschanel in the movie Failure to Launch. Why I’m posting this here? Well, I like her look. I downloaded the movie last night and saw her in it. Then I had this strong feeling of changing my look, my style, if mine’s even one. The thick bangs, the eyeliner, the kinda quirky aura. I want the same style for myself. Right now I have thin bangs that split in between and are barely noticeable; Super thin black shoulder length hair that seems layered but barely look layered. My hair has become so thin lately, I’m almost going bald with the rate of how it is falling off everyday. I don’t know what has happened but since I arrived here in America from the Philippines some 3 months ago, my hair has started to thin itself by constant hair fall. When I wake up, my pillow has a lot of my hair. When I comb it, more than usual amount of hair can be seen hanging to the teeth of my brush. When I take a shower, I can see a lot of my hair going down the drain. When I blow dry it and run my fingers through it, there are a lot of hair that get tangled in my fingers. Maybe it’s the warm water that I use in the shower. No, the hot water. When I take a bath, the bathroom turns into a sauna, with all the heat and smoke. What can I do? I mean, I came from a really hot humid country to a very cold winter in a low humidity place. Or maybe it’s my shampoo and conditioner. I don’t know. My mother has been telling me not to wash my hair in hot water and she freaks out whenever I talk about how my hair is falling off. I’m also worried. I don’t want too thin hair afterall, especially going bald. (Though I’ve always wanted to shave my hair off ala what Natalie Portman did for her role in V for Vendetta and Britney Spears, minus the reason why she did it to herself.) I want to have a semi-bald head at some point in my life just to know how it is to have an actually clear head, not having to worry about how your hair looks like and waking up to bad hair days. It’ll be a nice start to grow your hair all over again. And I would want to donate my hair to a charity that supports people with cancer. Now I would have much of a valid reason why I did it to myself whenever people would look at me strangely and ask why the heck in the world did I shave my head, and not just some rebellious act as suppose to what it all seems to everyone.

So much for the hair. So anyway, I want that kind of hairstyle as Zooey’s. Kinda thick bangs and NOT super straight hair that it almost looks frigid and reminds me of a cadaver with rigor mortis. (Kind ironic since I used to have bangs when I was a lot younger. Hated them and couldn’t wait to outgrow them.) I would then love to have some black eyeliner and maybe dark silver eyeshadow. I don’t really wear much makeup, unless I have to. I’m just a lipgloss kind of girl and that’s it. Though every now and then I get to be in a mood to apply eyeliner and when circumstances require it, I also apply face powder that looks barely there. And that’s about it. I haven’t done the latter two since coming here in the US though. The face powder that I use in the Philippines doesn’t seem to work here due to the temperature change, and I look like I have some skin disease when I apply it.

To complete the so called ensemble, nice shirts and cute tees with tight, maybe skinny jeans and then Chuck Taylor snickers and Keds flats or just cute flats and snickers. I just want to look simple, kinda quirky, bordering to rocker chick but not really.

So that’s it. Just want to rant about the change I want for myself. I’m sorry for such a lame blog. Well, a girl’s gotta do what a girl’s gotta do. Whatever that means. 🙂

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February 27, 2007

Hehe, it’s a wonderful feeling, shaving your head. I cut my past-shoulder-length hair into a mohawk in November, and it was wonderful. Made my head feel much lighter. I must say, though, I think your mom might be backwards about it thinning. My hair was shedding awhile back when I was still rinsing it with cool water, but since I’ve been using hot water, it’s not so bad. Sorry for the random note.