
Today has just been one of the few perfectly worst days in my 21 year existence. I spent almost the whole day crying, leaving me with exhausted bloodshot eyes that I refuse to put to slumber even now at past midnight. Instead, I’m here starting a new blog even if I don’t want to talk about what happened today in detail. This is something I’ve been thinking of doing for some time but always ended up brushing the idea aside for some unknown reason. But due to the course of things that happened today, I needed to do something..to vent out..to start anew at some certain point, and what could be better than starting a new blog.

Although this is an aweful bad start, being in a low point right now, I’m keeping this blog for good. Tomorrow is a new day and just like life, this blog of mine will have its bright sunny days ahead.

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February 23, 2007

Aw, hope you’re feeling better soon. I know its so hard to get back on the horse, so to speak, when something’s knocked you off. I find, throwing myself into something new is always a good start. Good idea to start a new blog. Keep smiling! 🙂 x

hey there 🙂 i’m glad you joined OD and hopefully it will help you – though this may not be the best start i really hope you write more positive entries soon! x

February 23, 2007

looking forward to a bright day 2mrw!

February 23, 2007


i dont know you but i seen you on the diary front page and i know how you feel, i spent most of the day in tears myself. just like i told my fiance on the phone i feel i am at my lowest point right now, and i hate it. i hope all gets better with you even though i dont know what happened, i didnt want to write about mine either. tc.

February 23, 2007

Yes indeed, tomorrow is a new day. Welcome to OD and I do hope this place can be used as an outlet for you. It has always worked for me.