Kids, Christmas, Skiing, Back to Work. (pic heavy)

  •  Kids are growing up so damn fast.  Well, kinda of… They’re 10 months old now.  The adoption process is moving along quickly.  We have gone through committee and officially designated as the adoptive parents.  The Adoption, if everything runs smoothly with the Adoption Assistance, should be finalized in April. Yay!

  • Haven’t gone skiing nearly as much as I would like.  But, it’s more than I thought I would have gone.  Been up 5 times this year.  Some amazing days.


  • Christmas came and went… we got the house all gussied up.  It wasn’t as exciting for the kids as I would have liked, since they are still infants.  Next year, baby!


  • I accepted a job offer last week.  Just part time two days a week with an Urgent Care group out in Gresham… a 30 mile commute.  Only two days a week, so it won’t be all that bad and it will provide me with a mental break from the kids.  My mom is watching them, since those are her two days off!


  • I didn’t have to try very hard to find the job.  One text to a friends and former co-worker.  And bam! A job with the perfect hours and pay fall into my lap.  My mom said I should buy a lottery tickets because things just seem to work out for me.


  • Both kids are wearing specs now.  Well, Abby’s are on order.  We went for the three month follow up to the eye doctor and he said he want’s her to wear them as well.  So now the whole family wears glasses.  ðŸ™‚


  • The kids turn 1 years old in March.  I am already looking at cakes…


  • I am obsessed with going on a family vacation with the kids.  I want to go on a cruise.  I’ve been reading all the reviews for the different ships and lines… granted this won’t happen till the kids are about 4 years old.  It’s something to look forward too.


  • We have been struggling financially with me not working.  I’m so glad I’ll be bringing in an income. 


  • Yay for free child care!


  • We’ll see how long that lasts.  I may get annoyed with my mom living here 5 days a week.


  • Oh, my mom lives with us part time since last October.


  • Riley, the puppy, is no longer a puppy… over 100 lbs.




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January 28, 2013

Oh my gosh the glasses are adorable!!

Such beautiful photos!! Thanks for sharing! 🙂 Have a great evening! ~ Steph

January 28, 2013

Oh my goodness!! Your babies are sooo adoreable. How can so much cuteness be in one little person? Good luck with the adoption.

January 28, 2013

Sooo good to hear from you! The kids look great, they are really thriving with you guys I can see. Riley’s so big too! Congrats on the new job…time flies huh?!?

Oh my! The little tiny glasses kill me dead! Such a beautiful family!

January 28, 2013

🙂 – – – –

The Santa outfit is killing me. So unbelievably cute!

January 28, 2013

Hooray for happy family and new pictures!!

January 28, 2013
January 29, 2013

Just wanna say your kids are to cute! 🙂

January 29, 2013


February 1, 2013

My step daughter had the same deal – her mom moved in and provided free care …. but it was testy. It’s hard but probably worth it! Nice they have a granny. XO

February 21, 2013

so happy to see things are great. the twins are adorable!

ryn: Thanks for note, and I’m glad to hear you enjoyed the Explorer. You won’t regret buying one, I just love mine. You should update again with pics of those babies!