
So, Like the MOJOFOGHO or whatever shit… See, I can write like I’m rocking the latest Opendiary craze, like it’s 2003.




Life is good.  I’ve been meaning to make my great return to the pages of the OD.  I’ve been reading, not noting… blah blah blah… haven’t I been writing basically some form of this entry since like 2006?  I’ve been reading, not noting… meaning to write more…. making the great return… blah blah blah.


But I’m back bitches (shut up! I swear this time I’m going to return for good, and write like a entry a day.


No, promises.  But maybe, just maybe, I’ll be around more.   There’s some interesting shit going on in my life, and I should really write this shit down.  


Side note: remember back in the day, like before OD+ (thought I forgot about that shit)… in the old days of [Mike], and CQ and RWS had just moved to California, and FC was still married to the guy who left her for the tart… remember those days?  Anyways… back then everyone followed the rules… 

Don’t use proper names for people.


Don’t write about sex or profanity.

There wasn’t even posting pictures yet.

And you only had like a 10k limit on characters per entry.


Those were the days!


…. and I posted like 2 entries a day because my work was boring and no one had thought to actually monitor or block sites from work yet.


ahhh… the good old days when companies had not yet figured out that half of the work day was spent writing on our little underground blog… and no one had really heard of a blog yet.  And Perez didn’t figure out that he could make millions by talking shit about celebrities…. (why the fuck didn’t I figure that out?)


So…. ya.. what I’m trying to say is I’m back. 


Okay… so fun shit in my life right now:


Thanksgiving was incredible.  Mike and I won the BOORA Beach House for weekend at a charity raffle (Google that shit!).  Wow.  just wow.

I’ve been hitting the slopes as much as possible.  5 times so far this season.  I am trying to be in better shape and not worry about my weight or vanity.  I’ve grown lots of muscles that are not for vanity but for a purpose.  This is a friggin expensive hobby though… and I don’t care.


Skiing still has the same effect it had on me in 5th grade.  The feeling of being free and in control.  I can finally say at 31 years old (I’m not even going to go into that shit…. how the fuck did I get to be 31?!?) I’m an athlete.  And a really good one at that.




I’m working, alot.  My company bought out another clinic… so that’s been keeping me busy.  I now run 6 front desks, spread out over 4 different locations.  And all my employees are women. All 26 of them. (actually not true, there is one dude who works for me, but he needs very little supervison and sometimes I forget that he works for me….)  

Not to think I’m being sexist or anything…. I just wish sometimes I wasn’t the only dude, besides Mark (ohhhh no, I used a proper name).


Mike and I… 


mmmmm….. for the most part we have an amazing relationship.  Ya, I sure did get the better end of the deal on this one.  

I need to be a better partner.  And before you think that I’ve been playing a little hanky panky or something…well don’t.  I’m a very good boy.  I need to be a better partner by giving back more than I receive (get your mind of the gutter)…. Mike does so much for me, and really asks alot in return.  Part of being married to a type A I guess. 

But damn it! Sometimes I really just want to sleep in on the weekends and not worry about house work, and taking the dogs on a pre-dawn 7 mile hike EVERY. SINGLE. SATURDAY. AND. SUNDAY,


Yes. Every one.


I escape to the mountain.


Speaking of the mountain.  Mike got me this for Christmas.  We are going to the Bergstrom Dinner.  


For someone who hates the cold this a big thing.  Timberline is where I ski on the weekends.


How cool is that?



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December 7, 2010

Sounds like things are doing awesome, so good to hear from you! xoxo

I went into a food coma just reading the menu!

December 7, 2010

Glad you are back! 🙂 – – – –

December 7, 2010

Glad you’re back. I’ve missed ya.

December 7, 2010

Glad you’re doing well. What my husband says about managing so many women is that they are not happy unless they’re all picking on one of them. (He’s right – they are horrible to each other.) The BOORA house is fantastic!

December 8, 2010

Yay! An entry! I’m glad to hear things are moving along! I feel the same way about swimming that you do about skiing! Miss yer guts. Come to SF.

December 8, 2010

so happy to see you back. OMG BOORA BEACH HOUSE!

February 26, 2011

Aw, remember [Mike]? He was so hot. I enjoyed reading this entry. OD had such a profound impact on many of us and yet it never made it into the media or had its 15 minutes of fame or became Twitter.