Friday –

Okay- The Diary Master (I always picture a dominatrix with a laptop) answered my question… which makes me go "uh"?  How did they see the entry? And does the DM read all our entries?  Interesting…

The monthly department meeting was Tuesday night this week, which put me about 2 hours into over time. Oh dang, now that I’m hourly again I have to leave work early. Oh darn, what ever shoud should I do?  Ya Bitches, I headed up to the mountain.

So, I’m supposed to be abstaning from the mountain per doctor’s orders.  But that’s not stopping me.  I had been about 10 days since the last time I went up and I was starting to jones.  I was not able to go this past weekend because Mike and I were down in Palm Springs for a long weekend.  Well, all that drinking and laying around sure did me in.

It felt like the begining of the season again.  Jesus, my quads were burning. It really proves that even if you take a week off, your performance suffers greatly.

It was such a nice bonus day.  It had snowed 8 inches over night and by the time we got up to the mountain at 2pm, it was blue skies out.  Fresh powder and blue skies… ya, it doesn’t get much better than that.  I am a little sunburnt in the face.  I was home by 6:30 and asleep by 8. 

Mike is such a ski widow.

Although, yes I know I’ve been warned, but I fell again on my left shoulder and it’s very sore today.  I know, duh, it has a almost a 2 inch tear through the rotator tendon, so ya.  You fall, it hurts. 

On March 8th (after Sistah and Melissa leave), I’m having a Platlet Rich Plasma Therapy injection. Hopefully that will heal it up.  Although my season is DONE after that. The recovery period is 3-5 weeks.  Basically they go in under ultrasound guidance and reinjure the tendon, and then inject my own platlets (that have been removed from a blood draw earlier in the day) into the tear and it promotes healing.

Sounds better than surgery.  And it’s free (I’m having it done at work)… that bad part?  IT HURTS LIKE A MOTHERFUCKER! Or at least that what the doctor told me.  He’ll hook me up with some Percodits, so I’ll be floating on a baby pink clouds after that.


I am stressing over finances. I just took a pretty big financial hit with the pay reduction, and though I can pay my bills (thank god), I have no extra money.  I looked into selling my car (oh god, why did I buy that expensive piece of metal?), but I’m about $6k underwater.

So, I’ve got to look for other ways to adjust my spending.

Lucky for me skiing is cheap. I have a season pass, and we eat at Subway ($5 footlongs…. admit it, now you got the song stuck in your head).  So pretty much gas money, and that’s it.

back to work.

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Ok, so I found you on the front page and was intrigued by the first sentence. So I read. I backed up a bit and started reading, then I figured out that we have a couple of faves in common. Congratulations on the marriage – you two make a great looking couple!

February 27, 2010

You could blackmail all those dudes on the downlow…. or you could become a smut peddler… RYN: Funny story about Grindr… there is this guy in the office, who, even with my Gaydar, would never have picked… and guess who uses it?! Doesn’t help that he’s absolutely drop dead gorgeous either…