I’m ready to go back to work

Mike has like a 20 point list of projects that need to be completed while I’m not working…agghhhh… Calgone take me away.  Can’t an Eddie just wallow in my self pity and unemployment checks?

So here’s a sample of the list:

  • Clean the garage.  Not as easy as it sounds.  We have a 3 car garage and barely 2 cars fit in it.  It’s so full of crap that just needs to be taken to the dump.  Todd is bringing over his Mom’s truck on Saturday and we’ll get that tankin’ care of.
  • Oh, did I mention we have a roomate now?  Todd finally moved in. Yay for rent checks!
  • replace the carpet in the master bedroom and bathroom with a dark stained bamboo (bedroom) and chocolate colored marble (bathroom).
  • Extend patio (again!)
  • Paint house (I’m not joking. We bought the paint on Sunday).

What the eff? Right?

So far I’ve spent the days doing chores, cruising want ads, and waiting for Mike to come home.  Exciting life, right?

Today I went to the gym, then had lunch with Cindy. Came home and vaccummed all 3600 sq. ft. of the house, dusted, and then steam cleaned all of downstairs. 

Mike is off getting his hair cut, which I need to be doing to.


Is anyone else sick of the election?



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Oh, God yes. But I LOVE being a housewife. I surfed the net all day and made dinner in the 20 minute before he got home!

September 4, 2008

I’m sick of the damn election and I’m Canadian! Heh. Yeek, I’d rather go to work than do pretty much any of those things.~jo

September 5, 2008

Ugh, politicians are so tiring. The underhanded tactics aren’t even that veiled this year. It’s probably best that you keep busy. Laying around all day tends to feed on itself.

I would love being a housewife only if I could pay people to do the above list. I mean, don’t get me wrong. I’d love directing the above list, deciding all the details and claiming I did it, but to actually have to paint the house…alone?? You are a better man than I.

September 7, 2008

Looks like Mike is saying it’s time to pay back that H-our watch, biatch! J/k, I couldn’t resist!

September 8, 2008

Yep, my pal who left Chambers, she says she is busier being unemployed than anytime when she was working…