tax me, no tax you!

NOLA is going well.

Compliance can suck my ass at this moment though…. if I have to listen to one more CMS (Medicare for all of you non healthcare peeps.) drone on and on….


So taxes.  Talk about waiting till the last possible minute… like 5:30 am in a hotel room.  On April 15th.

Ya. Nice, right.

So… I did my taxes…. I only owed $153.  Not bad… not as good as my original refund of $225… but then I realized that I deduced my 401(k) and IRA contributions twice… so recalulation, and I owe.

And then I realize:

1) I forgot my checkbook

2)I don’t have a printer.

3) or a pen!

A quick email to my web based email server with my tax paperwork wrapped up in a convienent .pdf file, then run down to the Bidnezz Center at the Hilton, and  $7 later (seriously, WTF?  I was on their computer all of 3 minutes, and then printed out 2 pieces of paper… and they charge me $7???  This is after I’m paying $1500 for the room, and $15 per day for internet use in my hotel room.  I hate the Hilton, all Hiltons! FUCK YOU PARIS!  I think Iknow why you can afford million dollar cars…

but I digress.

Since I forgot my check book, I had to be all ghetto and ask the concierge (did I spell that right?) for the nearest Western Union. (Side note: Shaniqua in the Bidnezz Center responded to the question with an eye roll and "I think the quicky mart sells them".  I then asked for the concierge and SHE DIDN’T KNOW WHAT IT WAS! AND SHE FUCKING WORKS IN THE HOTEL!!!!  I finally had to say "Customer Service".  Ig’nant bitch. agghhh.  I am so done with $7 an hour hotel employees.

Anways, the wonderful dude a tthe concierge desk pointed to across the street at the World Trade Center, which looks like it was built in 1964 in dram Cold War-era Soviet style.  But the asian lady on the 2nd floor mart totally hooked me up with the money order, a free envelope and stamp.  My faith in humanity and New Orleans Hospitality workers restored.

Then I walked the 3 blocks to the post office, and dropped it in.  Done.

Now where is my $600 Economic Stimuli Package check?



Log in to write a note

You will have to wait for your check. Those *ahem* of us that did our taxes in Jan/Feb via efile will get ours starting next month – aka a week and a half! WAHOO!! Oh. Sorry about your day!

I’m a toot. I know.

“I think the quicky mart sells them” is my new catch phrase. heh heh you said stimuli package

they’re sending them out May – July in order by the last two digits of your social security number.

I’m 99.9% sure that the date you filed your taxes means nothing.

Ha, Paris has to charge that much since her grandpa cut her out of the will! Did you have to pay for parking too? So are you enjoying NO??? Take any pics???

April 15, 2008

I’ve never had to owe money on tax before, the govt has always had to dish out for me!

April 15, 2008

In addition to you and Melissa sharing a haircut, you now share an ability to wait to the absolute last possible minute to do your taxes. The procrastination kills me, KILLS ME, I say. In fact, I JUST got a text from her where she is bitching about standing in a post office line out the door, and I want to text back OF COURSE IT IS BECAUSE YOU WAITED UNTIL THE LAST POSSIBLE MINUTE. I am sucha nag. I’ll shut up now.

April 15, 2008

It probably would have been easier to apply for an deadline extension! 🙂 – – – –

April 15, 2008

Eugh that’s evil Internet charges. Maybe they charge via the hour regardless of how much you use?

April 15, 2008

Ah man, this reminds me I’ve got to call my accountant. Good luck with the taxes! What doesn’t kill us makes us stronger… ????

April 15, 2008

what is up with everyone waiting to the last minute on taxes? I guess I do them right away ‘cuz I get sh*t back.

April 16, 2008

That sounds about right. Welcome. I’m off till Thursday night, so come back and see me.

April 21, 2008

ugh, taxes. Fortunately, I did mine a few weeks back and was happilly surprised that I made a mistake and recieved about $350 back that I wasn’t expecting. Your hotel experience sounds quite comical. Those Hilton’s sure know how to train their staff! Happy Monday

April 22, 2008

so how was your trip????

April 23, 2008

Yeah, how was New Orleans???

April 28, 2008

RYN: Yeah I did. Now the first few seasons of Kids Inc, I didn’t. Because I wasn’t born for the first two seasons. But MMC premeried when I was 3, and I watched it every day.