Salty’s, Saying goodbye, Parties, **edit

So much to write about, so little brain space, so I am going to do this in bullet points!  I know, it’s been awhile.


  • First off, thank you to everyone who left very sweet messages about Jim.  You guys rock.
  • So, the memorial service that I planned was a hit!  We rented out Salty’s on the columbia.  A swanky fish house right next to the yaht club.  Jim was a big boat guy and would of loved it.  The stories everyone told where funny and unself concious.  And the flowers and food…. I got to say it came out better than last years big summer party… which had a 40k budget and took 4 months to plan.  This time I had a 10k budget and Cindy and I planned it in 4 days.  Yes bitches, 4 days!  I missed my calling as an event planner.
  • Speaking of event planner.  After everyone filed out of Satly’s my coworker said that they where going next door for a cocktail before taking off.  I thought there would be a bunch of people there.  Nope, just my boss (who’s the CEO, and 2 other department heads.  We didnt’ leave till after midnight.  I got some great face time with my boss, who was drunk off his ass, and he approved this years party budget…and even gave me an extra $2500. Yay.
  • So, the party planning is in full swing… the event isn’t till July.  We rented the horse track, and am going with a "Kentucky Derby" theme.  With pony rides and everything!!!!
  • The weekend…. Mike finally came home on Friday night.  It was a rough week without him.  With Jim dying and everything is makes me so appreciative of life and him.  The longer we are together the more I fall in love with him.  Even if he can be a butthead half the time.  But the fact that he is an amazing husband, partner, and friend that half kind of makes up for it. 🙂
  • We went to several parties this weekend, including a black tie (Mike and I bought tuxedos!!) Oscar party last night. 
  • Damn it! I’m not even half done with what I need to document and my boss just called me in for a meeting… so this will be continued.  With pictures even.




ain’t this the shit.

My aunt just called.  My grandmother had a heart attack last Thursday. 

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February 25, 2008

The Oscars were so lame this year. I was less than impressed. Oh and RYN…yes we definitely need to hang out and have beers. Get your ass down here.

February 25, 2008

i wonder if that’s the same salty’s line we have here in west seattle? yay for black tie parties!

February 25, 2008

Oh hon!! I’m sorry to hear about your grandmother! Hopefully this is something she’s already recovering from? My thoughts are with you. So glad you have an awesome hubby who you love more and more each day – that’s what counts in life, the rest is gravy. Hugs!

February 25, 2008

OMG. i’m so sorry.

February 25, 2008

I am sorry to hear about your grandmother. And I like Salty’s too. Have only been once, but what can you say? Even if the food was the pits, the view is great. BTW, do you ever go to Tad’s chicken and dumplings? Talk about a view.