No more Fave’s only

In the spirit of being more open and stuff…..


I have lifted the Favorite Only privacy setting, and set it to OD members only.

I know, if i really wanted to be all CN about it, I would make it open to anyone with a internet connection… but I’m not ready for that yet.  But maybe soon.


 So today I found out that Mike and I can get married in Oregon… okay, not marriage, but "Domestic Partner"… say thing without all the churcheness… except if you’re a lezbian and a MCC gay.  Which we are not.

It makes me happy and scares the shit outo of me all at the same time.  What’s a boy to do?

Work is hell right now… well not hell, just REALLY busy.  In fact I’m at work right now.  Taking a little break from reading a proposal and contract oh and memo from our legal team about [redacted].  (What, you think I’m actuallty gonna talk specifics here? Look up… anyone, well almost anyone, can now read this shit…and most of my shit at work is all protected under client/attorney privilages)

Had dinner and drinks last night with our friend Brian.  He’s such a great guy. 

Mike and I got into a teff a couple times.  then when Brian was in the bank getting money to tip the valet guy at 23Hoyt, we had a full blown argument.  Of course as soon as Brian got back in the car we acted like everything was great.  Then dropped in back off at the restaurant (we bar hopped).  We didn’t speak to each other for the rest of the night.

and so far today.

He got up this morning and took the dogs to the park. In the snow. I got up took a shower, and headed to work.

I’m over it. The fight, not Mike.  No, I love him and wouldn’t give him up for anything in the world.

Seriously.  Even though he can be pig headed and Type A to my more laid back Type B.  I love him. And he loves me.

In 15 minutes I’ve got to scoot and head back home.  Mike and I are going to meet Mike M. and Sheila at a concert hall way out in Hillsboro to watch their 2 kids perform in a violin concert. 

It’s an annual tradition.  and it is completly tortures.  Is there anything worse than sitting in a random church hall, on a rainy Febuary Saturday morning. Listening to 30 6 year olds plunking "Twinkle Twinkle Little Star" on their little tiny violins?

Now Julianna and Nico are older, and this like the 5th year we’ve gone.  They are the stars. I mean they are both really good. 

But the concert is still very boring.  But we wouldn’t miss it for the world.  It means so much to them that we show up.

As another mother said to us last year "You must really love those kids, to sit through this every year". 

Pretty much.

After we usually go to lunch and hang out.  Today we are going back to their house and ordering delivery Pizza and playing Wii.

I’m psyched.  I will never have kids of my own, and this is the closest I will every be to raising kids.  They are our family.

Oh shit, which reminds me.  They asked Mike and I too be the guardians of the kids if anything should ever happen to them.

Yes, they both have large extended (blood) families, but the families wouldn’t raise them as we would.  That’s flattering.

we said yes. of course.  God forbid we should ever have to fulfill that promise.

I’m rambling, and I’ve got to get going.

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February 2, 2008

🙂 – – – –

February 2, 2008

i love it when you ramble! have a fun tonight. god forbid anything happens to mike and sheila, i think you would make an excellent parent and raise fine kids. xo,

February 2, 2008

“Is there anything worse than sitting in a random church hall, on a rainy Febuary Saturday morning. Listening to 30 6 year olds plunking “Twinkle Twinkle Little Star” on their little tiny violins?” No, no there isn’t. Except maybe apartment hunting in San Francisco.

February 2, 2008

What is MCC gay?

February 2, 2008

You know, my heart dropped a little for you when you said you’d never have kids. Then again, never say never. And I always sort of step back when I realize that same sex couples still can’t get married in most US states. I think it should be just as it is here in Canada, so that same sex marriages are considered exactly the same as a hetero marriage. It’s hard to believe the world hasn’t progressed further, huh? I mean, we should all be allowed to suffer the perils of marriage equally! (I kid, I kid! ;op)~jo

Why does the thought of marriage…pardon me, domestic partnership scare you? It’ll just give you legal rights, which is very important. DO it! You’re already married. I’ve missed your writing. And you’re a great friend to care so much about their kids. I love that.

February 2, 2008

oh, so the oregon courts let that thing go forward? LOL funny i found out here, i need to know for my legal research!

February 3, 2008

RYN: Ah, well you learn something new everyday.

February 8, 2008

Yeah, it’s on the River Walk, near the Aquarium, just off Canal Street. About 6 blocks from Bourbon.

February 9, 2008

J & I have friends who were “married” on Thursday. She and her partner have been together for nine years and she was really surprisd at how emotional the experience was for her. I think it’s completely awesome and high time it happened. It’s good to have the option though, isn’t it?

February 9, 2008

What issue? I love PM. It’s such a great mag.

February 13, 2008

Hey. I was just looking at the site SF art openings… ever check it out? Anyway, they showed this new work by Deborah, can’t recall her last name, but you own a piece. The combo, layered images – you know what I am talking about. Anyway, nice new work! …if you scroll down, you’ll see it. Hope you are well…