Compensating for something?

     You bet your behind I am. I am terribly sick of seeing this diary empty and woefully neglected. It’s a real bummer. So I have foresworn writing for the next week…which I know from experience is quite a tramatic experience. But I reckon it must be done now and again to keep the creative “juices” flowing. While late nights, niquil induced dreams, and massive ammounts of caffiene can keep me going for some time…I don’t wish to wear out that resource too soon.

     Speakin of which…do you have odd dreams after you’ve taken niquil? That stuff is wicked strong, and being a purist I prefer the liquid for the simple fact it works faster. I’m not an addict, I’ve been sick. Actually today that “altitude bubble” in my left ear popped and now I can hear again. It’s bliss I tell you, bliss.

     So I embarked on a journy last night to the Coffee House, which for those who don’t know is a musical preformance we have weekly at our school. Last night it was a feloow named Rob Gonzales. Those of you in college may have heard of him, supposedly he’s been to over 200 colleges in the past year. Needless to say, as is common for Coffee House preformers, he liked to tell stories between his pieces.

     It was killing me, honestly. And he has such a wonderful voice, and was so extremely talented at the piano, but I cringed at every romantical cliche in his lyrics. For a guy with as much potential as he had, you’d think someone would have sat him down, shook their finger in his face and said, “No! Bad Musician! Bad!” Or maybe I’m just cranky.

     I got a cupcake though. ~_^

     I still have much to do this weekend, but my Iliad paper has been pushed back to Wednesday. Let’s have a cheer! ^_______^ Well as there’s nothing to do in the office today but chat with my bosses, I’d better hop to it, ya know? ~_^

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