Snowballing here…

     So I read an entry belonging to a friend of mine…the fabulous Tibbi, where she said “I am nothing if not a writer” which snowballed into my own writing contemplations.

     So basically…I’m just snowballing here-

     It’s strange to wonder what I would be like today without my literature.  Probably another business/psychology/undecided major in some medium public college.  Perhaps Longwood(if I was lucky).  I can’t imagine a single day without my fingers on the keyboard or wrapped around a ball-point pen contemplating characters and plots, twists and dialogue.  Even while I was “on vacation” over the summer, I could not bring myself to let it go mentally.  I was constantly considering my characters, my various story ideas and so on…

     Last night I completed a short story.  Now, if only I could finish one to publish…THAT would be something…

     So I have begun the Illiad…quite a remarkable piece of literature.  I can see everything so vividly, and I’m begining to understand why Professor Leedom called it the greatest War-Poem ever.  As for the Oddysey (in response to your note, stoic) I’ve never read it, but perhaps you got a poor translation?  I know the story fairly well (not as well as I know that of Troy) and I can’t imagine it being boring, though I don’t doubt it if you’ve read it.  I might even try to tackle that epic this summer, along with the 12 books of the Illiad we WON’T be reading in Ancient History class.

     I bombed that quiz btw… T_T

     Oh well.

     Now I’m just going to curl up with “Magic Dance” from Labrynth playing in the background, and try to get something accomplished. 

*blows kisses*

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