News – Just Try and Oust Him
Middle East
Interim Prime Minister Ibrahim al-Jaafari declines to stop down, saying Iraqis should be left to choose their leader democratically. And, of course, framing it as the US and UK trying to get rid of him will likely only make it harder to get rid of him.
Well, seems Palestine is officially broke now. So anyone who comes with some added funding will likely find an easy ally.
Saddam is in court again, as always coming out with more inflammatory remarks.
The case of a CBS cameraman is thrown out by an Iraqi court and he’s released, after it’s found that there is no evidence to support terrorism charges against him.
North America
Four years later, the government is finally readying a new counterterrorism plan. One that, as is described, would delegate responsibilities specifically. Something that should have been done much earlier. We’ll see if it does any good soon enough.
Congressional investigators note that the US government’s focus on abstinence programs to fight AIDS in Africa and the Caribbean is hampering efforts to prevent the spread of the virus. The way we do things here doesn’t translate into success elsewhere, is the obvious moral of this story.
Brian Doyle, deputy press secretary for the Department of Homeland Security has been arrested on charges of trying to seduce a 14 year old online. Lovely.
The voters of Wisconsin approve a symbolic measure calling for the withdrawal of US troops from Iraq. It holds no real power, of course, but if other states do the same.. it could be interesting depending on how the votes go.
How the Pentagon refers to body bags.
Explainer talks about Congressional Pins.
The Blogs look at the impending retirement of DeLay from the congressional scene. But you can be sure he’ll get into the lobbying scene or some other influence peddling occupation.
Today’s Papers has an in-house analysis of IRS data concluding that Bush’s tax cuts for dividends “have significantly lowered the tax burden on the richest Americans”, note that the administration has cut funding for promoting democracy in Iraq, Massachusetts trying to become the first state ever with Universal health care coverage and more in the one page news.
Swirly Photoshop Magic and a hundred million dollars in dog years
British resort “marries” two rabbits at festival to celebrate Easter. Naturally, animal-rights activists lose their mind because the animals were “belittled” (with pic of bunnies)
Businessman photoshops a penis onto a picture of his competitor, posts it on the web. “I’m getting phone calls from people saying, ‘Do you do that kind of thing at the store?'”
North Carolina idiots fill truck with electronic equipment after breaking into school, but forgot to fill the truck with gas
Ghoulish company, which “invested” in life-insurance policies for HIV-infected people in the 90s who unexpectedly survived, is whining now about having to pay their health-care premiums
What the United States could have done with the $250 billion spent on the war
Online ads offer apartments for rent in exchange for sex and light office duty, no freaks
Italy’s PM Silvio Berlusconi confident of re-election because seven out of nine chatline girls said that they would vote for him
Microsoft security expert says if you find yourself stuck with certain malware, the best action is to nuke your machine from orbit. No, really
Police find the drunk of the night after she crawls into the back seat of their marked cruiser to sleep it off
Fark Photoshop Challenge: Photoshop the Fed funds rate diagram
Fark Photoshop Challenge: Photoshop the avian terror that is striking fear in Orlando
Fark Photoshop Challenge: Photoshop this moth