News – Misplaced Censorship

North America

New York Theatre Workshop indefinitely cancels its performance of “My Name Is Rachel Corrie”, a play that retells the life of said activist. The director, of course, is upset about this. They cite a change in the political climate as the reason for this cancellation. I see little change, in recent days, that would make it any more or less appropriate(how appropriate it is being a matter of opinion) for this play to be seen. Especially considering this tidbit of a review, from a right wing Israeli couple who saw the play(members of the Lukid) “The play wasn’t against Israel, it was against violence.” If that is so, then there is no more relevant play than this, for that is what we need, a call against the violence that is sure to continue in the region.

Insert foot in mouth once more, for Bush. He says now that the media had more info on Katrina than the US government. Personally, I see that as another example of the ineptitude of the current administration and its poor posture when it comes to dealing with national disasters. The government should have the most information on a disaster, that it didn’t shows how far we have to go in emergency preparedness. Sadly, I highly doubt there will be appreciable changes here, just as there have been little given to port security since 9/11.

A coalition of US Muslim organizations requested a meeting with the US Treasury on the targeting of Muslim charities by US counterterrorism efforts. They claim that the closure of these charities hinders the Muslim ability to carry out their religious obligation to help the needy. Specifically, they’re concerned about the recent asset freezing of Kindhearts, a Toledo, Ohio-based Islamic nonprofit group.

Mardi Gras comes to a close in New Orleans. I’m not too surprised that they held it. People are creatures of routine and Mardi Gras has become a traditional routine for some. Most telling will be what happens after Mardi Gras.

Mental health screenings of Iraq veterans returning home show that one in ten are suffering from post traumatic stress disorder and, overall, 19.1% of the soldiers returning from Iraq met the military’s “risk criteria for a mental health concern” such as post-traumatic stress or depression, compared to 11.3 percent among veterans who served in Afghanistan and 8.5 percent from deployments elsewhere. This is pretty much expected, considering the intense, dangerous nature of Iraq. Question is, what will the military be doing about this? So far, looks like they’re taking it seriously and getting them help. I hope it aids them in finding their center again.

Check Scooter Libby’s new legal defense site. You’d think he was running for office. Personally, I think it no more than a cheap(since it costs little to put up a website) effort to PR Libby up as well as soften the impact of legal costs of the high priced lawyers he’s getting.

Looks like Bush’s numbers are dropping again. I pretty much assumed the boost given by the State of the Union would be little more than a passing bump. Platitudes usually provide that and little more as the grim reality of what is lingers steadily.

Middle East

India is the latest site of Bush’s policy of act now, think later. Sure, we’ll cut a deal with India. But we won’t think about the international and national legal issues until after all is done. This deal violates the NPT and US laws. A year or two ago, this might not have been a problem for Bush, but now with all the crap that’s flying about, Bush might be hard pressed to complete this deal, again leaving him hanging, without a backup plan.

Could the lull in Iraq be a passing quiet before further sectarian violence? I think it possible, with estimates of 1,300 dead. The past event has yet to fully set in to the consciousness of Iraqis. It could germinate seeds of future discord if left unchecked.

The EU decides to pay 94.5 million pounds to the Palestinian Authority to stave off collapse, for use to fund utility bills, wages, health and schools. Only a small part of it goes to the government itself, with the rest being distributed directly to the territories that need the finding.

Pakistani forces attack a militant hideout near the Afghan border, killing 30. As per the usual, the Pakistani government paints it as killing scum and witnesses mention women and children. Who to trust?

The Systematic killing of those who speak out against the occupation? A troubling possibility, if the Iraqi government is involved in this. It’s already been shown that some elements in said government are of lesser scruples than most.

Egyptian President Hosni Mubarak notes he’s advised the US to refrain from smacking on Iran, predicting nasty blowback. I don’t doubt that, but I don’t think the US will strike against Iran. They have the Israelis for that.

Jihad’s most senior commander in Gaza is killed by an explosion while opening his car door. Palestinian militants blame Israel, which denies involvement.


Explainer looks at how to tell apart Shiites and Sunnis.

The Blogs look at the estimated toll of sectarian violence in Iraq, Anna Nicole’s Supreme Court case and the creation of a Catholic town in Florida by the founder of Dominos Pizza.

Today’s Papers has a possible restart of sectarian violence in Iraq, Attorney General Gonzales perhaps hinting that the administration’s extra-legal snooping is wider than known, that U.S. intel agencies warned the White House in the fall of 2003 that the Iraq insurgency was taking off and was made up mostly of locals and more in the one page news.


Mark Fiore: Long War Inc.

High school students suspended for starting snowball fight. Which wouldn’t be weird if it wasn’t in the middle of the desert

Woman fakes her own death to avoid paying traffic violations, is found out when she gets another ticket one month after her “death”

Today’s “two million bees found living in a vacant house therefore scaring the bee-jebus out of the neighbors” story is brought to you by Southern Florida (with pic)

Candidate for lieutenant governor of Massachusetts is too busy to campaign because his daughter is a contestant on American Idol

How cities inflate their tourism numbers to steal your tax dollars

Disabled teen gets kicked out of theater for laughing too loudly at new “Pink Panther” movie — police baffled over how anyone could actually be laughing at the film

Tampa company will install ear-splitting train horn into any regular car. “There’s no way you can get ready for their sound; no way you can get used to it, either”

Babyshambles frontman arrested for grand theft, drug possession. Said to be starting new band called Careershambles (with stellar pic)

Man celebrates Mardi Gras at the New Orleans airport by getting caught with five knives, 44 rounds of ammunition, 8 grams of crystal meth, several lighters, a can of lighter fluid and a “glass smoking device.”

Idiots believe Christmas light installer used “special adhesive” that might damage their house if removed, so they still have lights on. With video

Fark Photoshop Challenge: Photoshop a new home for this lion

Fark Photoshop Challenge: Photoshop this flying father-and-son team

Fark Photoshop Challenge: Photoshop this silly cat

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