News – Mad Cow makes US Meat Industry Cry (2/2)


Diabetes could be fended off by foods high in magnesium, as suggested by new research. The list includes nuts, grains and leafy green vegetables.

Musing the dangers of pervasive computing. A world in which computers are everywhere, connected to everything and can do so much more. It seems a pleasant dream, but even a pleasant dream has it’s issues.

Nigerian 419 scammers us Iraq and patriotism to steal your cashage. Don’t fall for this sort of stuff.

Why is Col. Muammar Qaddafi still just a colonel? Explainer details this and a little info about Libya itself.

Explainer details why some 9/1 victims get $500 while others get $7.9 million.

A well detailed review of Cold Mountain. Going to see that one tomorrow.

Today’s Papers has Bush as the least pardon friendly president to date. Seems LBJ was tops with 925 by his 35th month to Bush’s anemic 11(17 if you count the turkeys). Middle East troubles and more in the one page news.


Steve Bell: Bush sends greetings to a select 1.5 million people. I’m sure he knows every one of them personally. And I bet we paid for those damn cards cause I know he doesn’t have to cash to buy that many.

Newgrounds: A Michael Jackson Christmas

Newgrounds: Bonus Stage #4: Yuletide – Amusing. 😉

Fark Photoshop Challenge: Theme: Sorry about that

Couple spends £1,500 on Christmas lights to make their house visible form space.

Indeed, Boners has some nasty images. I scan through a lot of them looking for ones that should be amusing. I just wish they updated more often.

Are you sure you want more?

Naughty Nature

I’d like to see how they did that

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December 24, 2003
December 24, 2003

That is the coolest mushroom I have ever seen.

you have some really interesting things in your diary…i have never seen a mushroom quite like that before.