News – Don’t be Lax with Anti-Terrorism Tech (1/2
Technology is good, but only when it is used properly. In a rush to feel more secure, we’d better make sure we don’t put our countrymen and women at even greater risk.
Plans to make use of GPS technologies to keep terrorist from using hazmat trucks and other dangerous vehicles as bombs is under fire. Not just from truckers, but from tech experts who, rightly, note that neat tech schemes not properly deployed could play into the hands of tech savvy terrorists. If a system can be hijacked, it will be and turned against the creators. Imagine a gas truck fitted with a remote control device. If that gets hijacked from afar, that makes it a remote controlled missile in the roads. Whoever is doing this had better damn well research any such things to death before they even consider deploying them.
The new energy bill that will be hitting the scene soon seems to be a mix of good and bad for both sides of the equation. Question is, will it be amended to the democrat’s liking, such that it won’t be stymied.
What’s with the Bush-Blair team up? It’s easy to see where Bush benefits from a staunch ally in his various adventures, but Blair seems to get minimal benefit. I don’t really believe Blair buys into everything Bush says and does, yet he continues to support him. It’s curious.
The new Medicare bill will be looking to bring generic drugs to the market faster so the prices will diminish. This is good, so long as quality is maintained.
Wesley Clark will be taking time out of his campaigning to testify at the war crimes trial of former Yugoslav President Slobodan Milosevic.
Republicans for Hilary: Part Three: Reality hits home. Yes, she really isnt going to run. Stop pretending you think she will.
After a recent tape that may or may not have been Saddam, following the downing of two more backhoawks, US forces have unleashed on some more suspected militant hideouts in Tikrit. My question is.. why is it always suspected? And how many times have they been wrong?
I don’t know about you, but the macho show of force doesn’t seem to be the right course in this engagement. Cagey folk fight what they’re afraid of. And we want to reduce the attacks, not increase them.
“They need to understand it is more than Humvees that will be used against the resistance. We will absolutely crush the resistance,” Russell told reporters after the 90-minute display.
Thanks for adding to the evil American stereotype with that, buddy. I’m sure your hard work won’t go unappreciated or unused as a call to arms.
US forces have captured “a former Iraqi Special Forces officer and a Fedayeen leader who is believed to be responsible for improvised explosive device attacks and ambushes on coalition forces,” on Saturday in Habbaniya. They’ve also said he’s linked to Khamis Sirhan al-Muhammad, number 54 on a U.S. list of the 55 most-wanted Iraqi fugitives.
Bush lays down more specious commentary, saying foreign fingers in Iraq want to install a Taliban -Style government and seek revenge “for getting whipped in Afghanistan.” Read more of Bush’s opinion, which I find annoying as these are things we shouldn’t be assuming on and I don’t think Bush has any evidence to back up his assertions. He’s lumping what is most likely a diverse set of individuals and groups into one convenient, easily dismissed clump. Messy.
Laura Bush defends her hubby. Personally, I don’t really care what she has to say. As mean as that might sound.
The CIA has a new report out, claiming they have no evidence that Saddam was arming anyone with the bio-chem goodness or other technology. Would that include the allegation of Saddam’s WMD being shipped off to Syria? Probably not.
International Papers takes a look at the steady rise in desire for a faster pace in US occupation of Iraq.
Sharon is running damage control. He’s out in Italy, hitting up Prime Minister Silvio Berlusconi to soften the pending EU condemnation of Israel’s West Bank security barrier and its snubbing of EU Middle East envoy Marc Otte.
“(Berlusconi) is a staunch fighter against anti-Semitism and therefore I think he will be open to our complaints and also to action that can be taken in Europe to stop this,” Sharon’s spokesman Raanan Gissin said.
Yes, but condemnation of Israel’s acts as a country are NOT anti-Semitism. It’s disagreeing with the policy of a country, not the people just because they’re Jewish. Arab countries who growl about Israel would be more likely to do so in an anti-Semitic way and crying wolf constantly will soon have no one listening when the real mess comes. Sharon needs to grow up and realize that he won’t get a carte-blanc in the eyes of others by waving the religion card constantly.
Two Israeli solders have been handed short prison terms for abusing Palestinians. A deputy infantry battalion commander was handed 14 days for throwing a stun grenade at children and an infantry soldier was given 35 days for kicking a Palestinian. Personally, I’d give the commander the stiffer sentence for attacking children. Lets hope this isn’t an isolated set of consideration. It’s good to see, but still very small.
Six civilians are reported dead in recent US air strikes against suspected militants. There’s one of the mistakes, I suppose.
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The Iron Hammer decision is such a mess. We must be strong to show Iraqi’s opposed to Saddam that we really will be there and protect them from his return. But, we must not harm civilians providing incentive for more hostility. It is a very difficult place.
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