News – History Not Applicable

No matter ho much the Bush Administration wants to push the issue about past success like with Germany.


Demolishing the parallel of Iraq to post WW2 Germany. I hate improper comparisons and this is one of them. There were no successful terror groups in Germany. Iraq is fu ll of them as they make multiple attacks day and continue to be a thorn in the side of the CPA. Some of them are caught and killed, sure. But the momentum hasn’t stopped. Some might think it has sped up some.

The current president of the Iraqi Council calls on Bush to go back on shutting down Saddam’s army. He says only Iraqis can ensure security in their country and I’m inclined to agree as US presence causes friction as much as it tries to help.

The Bush administration plans to back a World Bank managed fund to handle the money coming from other nations, for the rebuilding of Iraq. Said he’s not giving up control of hte money because of international pressure. US money won’t be going through it, though.

THe Pentagon is accused of ignoring a report that predicted the general disorder that followed the war in Iraq. We shouldn’t be surprised.


Does Israel truly hold democratic ideas as high as is said by some? I find myself wondering after a look at this article.

Israel launched two air strikes in three hours, killing two militants and a bystander in one and wounding fourteen civilians in the second. This after a recent attack where gunmen killed three Israeli military. I heard on the news that there was a third attack as well.

Palestinian officials from Arafat’s government are headed to the US to try and talk truce with US politicians, since Israel seems entirely unwilling to bite again.

Three British and American families are trying to extract truth from the Israeli government about how their loved ones were killed or wounded at the hands of the Israeli military. They believe they were told fabrications.


Iran’s President Mohammad Khatami has said that the country could give up Uranium Enrichment if its allowed to keep its civilian nuclear program.


Bush pushes security issues at the Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation forum Some were ok with it, some weren’t.

Joseph Lieberman and Wesley Clark are skipping the Iowa caucus, deciding they will spend their campaign money in states they have a better chance of winning. Logical, perhaps, but a self fulfilling prophesy just bypassing the state like that.

A new study links sexual identity to hard-wired genetics again. So here’s a question. If God dislikes homosexuality, why would it be written into the genetics of some people? Assuming, of course, this study is on the up and up.

Howard Dean gets a standing ovation from Arab-Americans with a basic attack against prominent conservatives and religious right members. Basic, but canny.


A UN report notes that the US’ war on terrorism has given repressive Arab governments justification to clamp down on freedoms under the guise of fighting terrorism.

The White House condemns the remarks of Malaysian Prime Minister Mahathir Mohamad, who said that Jews control western powers by proxy. While that may not be quite right, it is easy to see where some might think that Israel has serious influence over the US. How we treat them with kid gloves, even when they defy our wishes. While others how defy us are treated in a harsher manner. He might be anti-Semitic, but his perception shouldn’t be dismissed out of hand.

Arabophobia: Arabs do bad things because.. that’s just what they do? Obviously people who don’t understand their neighbors are trying to justify their lack of understanding by jumping to easy and improper conclusions.

Day to Day has Summary Judgment on new movies last weekend and the democratic presidential candidates.

International Papers covers China, the third nation to independently send a man into space. The significance of this act is seen in mixed ways as is international intention to assist China with further space adventures.

Today’s Papers has Bush offering a signed promise he won’t invade North Korea, Taliban fighters talking about how easy it is to get into Afghanistan and more.

Slate asks six plastic surgeons if they think Arnold has had his face landscaped. Four say no, two say yes. Yes, there is no point to this, but amusement often has no logical point, which is what makes it amusing.

Musing the allure of the TExas Chainsaw Massacre.


Top Ten Bushisms

GenRyu’s Blade – ONe of the most incredible flash pieces I’ve seen yet. Good art, fluid animation and good voice work. But also quite violent. Of course, if you weren’t squicked by Kill Bill, you’ll be able to watch this one easy,

Pumkin Carving Simulator – No mess, no fuss. The only way to carve.

Found Lost – An interesting and creepy game made in the vein of Myst and other explorative adventures.

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October 20, 2003

Bushism: “I know the human being and fish can coexist peacefully.” —Saginaw, Mich., Sept. 29, 2000 Yeah, BUT can Neocons and the rest of the world coexist peacefully?

I guess it would be un-PC to say that relative culture had a lot to do with our success (?) in post-WWII nation-building and our subsequent failures in Asia, Africa, and Latin America.

October 20, 2003

Lots of interesting stuff. Thanks for passing it along. 🙂

October 20, 2003

With regard to “If God dislikes homosexuality, why would it be written into the genetics of some people?” Some Christians (e.g., Calvinists) believe God decided who to save and condemn before He even created the world. If they’re willing to accept the wisdom/justice of that, I don’t suppose they have many problems with God making some people “evil” homosexuals.

October 20, 2003

I suspect others Christians would say “We’re ALL born sinners. Whatever the exact form that sin takes in us, we need to repent and beg forgiveness – not embrace sin.” Yes, you really CAN justify just about any mad notion if you’re willing to stack as many silly assumptions atop one another as it takes to reach the conclusion you want.

October 20, 2003

RYN: I’d like to see the results of that study! Too bad it’ll never be undertaken. It seems few objective/scientific studies of religious beliefs ever are….

October 20, 2003

Re: “Assuming, of course, this study is on the up and up.” A completely untenable assumption. Psychology is closer to a religion than a science. They conclude what they want to conclude. Nor, do I make such a charge lightly. I have a Master’s degree in Social/Pyschology. Huge waste that was.