Plan B

Hey Folks!

Well, I didn’t win the bridal boot camp contest, but I wanted to say thank you to everyone that voted for me! I appreciate the support…some of you are going 12 years strong…amazing. 

Sooo…what is Plan B? Chesty is working towards her personal trainer certification and decided to take me on as her first client. How great is my BFF? She has truly changed her body and manages to keep an active, healthy lifestyle while raising the Wonder Twins. I have no excuse! I have RA, but it will NEVER be an excuse. *stomping foot*

We started work this week. What has Coco learned? 

– It was really silly to start my original journey and never pick up a weight. Ok, I half-assed weight trained…usually 2 weeks was my limit. I just never fell in love with weights. Mainly because I didn’t know what I was doing. I lost 210 lbs in my original WW run…and I was a cardio bunny. My body looked great in clothes…but I had a smaller version of my "before". This time around I am aiming to transform…*cue dramatic music*

-Leg Day sucks! All of the freaks in my newsfeed that gleefully look forward to leg day are insane…that’s my semi-professional opinion. Of course, I will eventually be one of those freaks but right now? It hurts to squat down to pee. TMI x 10. 

-I burned 500+ calories in both of my weight training sessions this week. Why didn’t anyone tell me this burn was possible?!? Holy moly! Goodbye Cardio Bunny, Hello Iron Diva!

-I had NO reason to be intimidated by the weights area. I just needed someone to guide me through the basics and push me. One day I’ll be disciplined enough to go alone…but for now, Chesty has her foot on my neck. 

Soooo…since I will be going in Chesty’s official training files, I have stats and photos and errythang! I am so excited! LOL I’ve never worked with a trainer…and it shows! I’ll do updates from time to time. Diet-wise, I’ll be returning to 90-95% Paleo…that allows for a regular (gluten-free) treat, occasional sushi date, etc. so I don’t feel deprived. I feel I manage my condition best at this ratio and my rheumatologist agrees. 

I hope you all are doing well. My favorite month of the year is here…now if the weather will cooperate, Coco will be over the moon. 

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Until next time,

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September 5, 2013
September 5, 2013

I love weights! Now cardio can die a slow death, but I love, love, love the weights! Ha!

September 6, 2013

You are an amazing gal. Good luck with this adventure. So sorry you didn’t win the contest.

September 9, 2013


I love weights and cardio but weights more cause yoou get to gage how strong you are when seeing something that used to kill you is now a piece of cake. I used to think lifting weight would bulk up a big girl which defeats the purpose of trying to LOSE weight so I neverreally love it.