Paleo Experiment…Final Thoughts

Hello Lovelies! We’ll just get right down to business…

Autoimmune/RA issues
Prior to starting Paleo, I was experiencing joint pain (6 on a scale of 10) and swelling. I’d wake up with stiffness in my back, knees and feet. I was also taking a prescription anti-inflammatory daily. My current situation has improved tremendously. I no longer have pain in the morning, considerably less snap/crackle/pop throughout the day and I’ve been able to reduce the anti-inflammatory drug to twice per week. Nice!

I’ve always had bouts of insomnia, but I have been sleeping like a baby through the experiment. I’ve been making a conscious effort to get to bed earlier. Even an extra 30-45 minutes is beneficial at this point.

Gastro Hot Mess
Now, I am not writing any of this to influence y’all, but gluten is da debil! I am 100% convinced. I used to have issues with bloating/gas when I consumed most grain-based products. I am a stubborn heifer, so that didn’t stop me from occasionally loving on my Einstein Bros. Everything Bagel. My tummy issues disappeared completely after a WEEK of eating Paleo. My stomach lays much flatter now.

Energy Level
This was a big concern of mine, but I’ve been pleasantly surprised. I was a little sluggish on Day 3, but I’ve felt super charged after that point. Paleo is definitely lower carb for me (I was previously taking in over 200 carbs per day…don’t freak…it’s easy to do with processed meals and a love of crackers/sweets), but I still get a decent amount of carbs from fruit and sweet potatoes. My workouts have improved as well.

I had cravings during Week 1, but I feel that’s normal for any new eating plan. I never once felt that I’d give in. My AI diagnosis has given me a motivationx10. I feel strong, focused and most importantly…HOPEFUL.

Food Variety
I’ll admit…seeing the list of foods that weren’t officially Paleo almost caused a Stage 5 tantrum before I even got started. However, I realized this was an elimination diet for me. I had to start with the bare bones in order to see what my body could tolerate. Some sites have even more rules for those with autoimmune diseases. I consumed eggs in moderation and continue to avoid nightshade veggies for now. Protein choices haven’t been an issue because I LURVE MEAT.

Weight Loss
I know this is the only reason you’re reading this LOL. I lost 2.8 lbs this week…that brings my 30 Day total to 20.8 lbs! To say that I am pleased would be a huge understatement. I even got a weight loss compliment at work yesterday. Umm…do you know how long it’s been since I heard one? Yeah…motivation…super high.

What the hell do you plan to do now?
Needless to say, Paleo is going to be a way of life for me now. Will I be 100% Paleo? Doubtful. I refuse to give up having a piece of cake on my special day, Thanksgiving and Christmas meals. I can tell you that food choices on those occasions will be made with Paleo in mind (i.e. I don’t really need 52 cups of my mom’s famous mac and cheese, etc). The general consensus is that leaping off the Paleo wagon makes folks feel like DEATH…and I’m not in a hurry to experience it. As for possibly adding certain items back into my diet, that remains to be seen. I wasn’t a major dairy person (greek yogurt is the only thing I would possibly miss…I’ve been off cow’s milk for over a year). I do miss hummus, but I’ve seen a few recipes on Paleo sites that I may try. I haven’t had a craving for pizza yet, but I’m sure it’s coming. There’s a Paleo sub for almost everything, but it might break my heart. LOL

Anyway, that’s the short version of my thoughts on the matter. 🙂 I will be posting various Paleo entries from time to time…and weight loss updates will be reported monthly. I’ve added a cute little ticker to the front page if you’re interested in what the scale is doing on a regular basis. Thanks again to everyone that offered encouragement during this big transition. I am a lucky girl!

Enjoy your week,

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June 6, 2012

Wow that is amazing!!! 🙂 So glad you are doing well!

June 6, 2012

I wsnt to try paleo, but I LURVE dairy and I dont eat beef. I eat fish and chicken breast and a tad bit of pork. I could give up white potatoes, and maybe grains, but the dairy is HARD. I drink an iced coffee every day with 2tbls of half and half. I dont think I could give that up. I love cottage cheese and daisy light sour cream. Where are you finding your recipes? What are you eating whenyou go out to eat?

June 6, 2012

Your results are impressive. I need to give it a full 30 days but you know, there are always excuses. I’ve heard there is a real energy boost with Paleo. I haven’t ever got that. I know what you mean by waking up to the aches and pains. Guess I need to read more about gluten. I’ve heard it’s a real enemy. Congratulations to you and your hard work. You are beating that autoimmune thing down.

June 8, 2012

woot woot, Diva! awesome news all the way around 🙂

June 11, 2012

One of the ladies in my office is doing Paleo.

June 17, 2012

RYN: yeeeaaaah, no. there are two “boxes” close to work or home; but i cannot imagine going. i don’t know that i’m a) that ambitious and b) that devoted. all that activity intimidates me. *snorts*

June 19, 2012

I started Paleo yesterday. I’ve seen it work miracles on a friend and I decided I want part of it. So…here goes.