
Hey Lovelies!

I had the big, scary appointment today and it wasn’t too bad. The rheumy doctor confirmed that I do have swelling around my joints, so she gave me a low dose anti-inflammatory. Since I don’t have any visible joint deformity or severe pain, we’re basically on the wait and see approach. I go back in 2 weeks for additional lab work. My ANA number will be tested again at that point to see if anything has changed. I don’t have any of the initial symptoms for Lupus, so we’ve pretty much ruled that out. She isn’t ready to rule out RA, though.

I really liked the specialist. She answered all of my questions and took her time. I was commended me on my weight loss history/active lifestyle and how proactive I am with my health. Hello, I just don’t like PAIN…that puts me on a mission to stop it. Since autoimmune diseases can affect organs too, the full blood panel and cardiologist exam that I had a few weeks ago definitely put me ahead of the game. The specialist had tons of info on yours truly…

Soooo…where does that leave me? My plan is to continue to listen to my body and report any pain episodes at my next visit, carb overhaul of my diet (since the "bad" ones are known to trigger inflammatory issues), fall in love with swim workouts and truly focus on getting the rest of this weight off. Every pound lost is less pressure on these joints. I plan to continue spin class, but I may not be doing much running out of the saddle/high impact until I truly know what’s up.

Thanks again to all of you that have reached out to me during this crazy time. You are good eggs! I’ll keep ya posted on my next visit. Hope you’re all having a great week.


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April 11, 2012

She sounds like a good doctor to have on your side. I really identify with your crusade against pain. Pain is nature’s way of telling you something’s wrong. I hate it when doctors act like I should just get used to it.

April 11, 2012

You know, I had a pretty solid RA diagnosis but after one month on meds all of my symptoms were gone. I haven’t had a serious flare-up since. You never know!

April 11, 2012

I gave up red meat when I was diagnosed with PA in 1987. My doctor told me it was inflamatory and I havent eaten it since. That might be hard for you to do, living in TX. Also, nighshade foods are supposed to be inflamtory too, but I cant give up marinara sauce.

April 11, 2012

I gave up red meat when I was diagnosed with PA in 1987. My doctor told me it was inflamatory and I havent eaten it since. That might be hard for you to do, living in TX. Also, nighshade foods are supposed to be inflamtory too, but I cant give up marinara sauce.

April 11, 2012

Glad you have such a good Dr! 🙂 I’ll continue praying for you!

April 12, 2012

RYN: No, I have not done a Komen event before. I’ve wanted to do it but couldn’t find anyone to go with me..it’s in the city and I refuse to go down there by myself, I hate driving in that craziness! 🙂 I look forward to it, hopefully I can recruit a bunch of people! 🙂

Hey Diva, I also like volunteering and Harry Potter. Cool layout, easy on the eyes. I sometimes have a foot problem too: planters festiitis. When I walk for more than 10 minutes, my left foot starts to hurt. I’m going to a podiatrist on Monday. Hope you feel better.

April 17, 2012
April 17, 2012

I am glad that you heard good news! My mom has rheumatoid arthrits, and in my reading I’ve learned that a raw diet is supposed to help. Personally, I don’t think that I could completely give up cooked food or more importantly meat for a long period of time, but I have done the Daniel Fast and it was great for me. I’ll continue to keep you in my prayers.