Week 9

Hey folks!

I missed my meeting today. I had a date with a cardiologist for a battery of tests. The past couple of weeks I’ve been experiencing a little bothersome cardiac issue that ended up being nothing. I apparently have a "perfect" heart! I am not sorry that I had a full exam, though. I’ve always wondered if my heart was possibly damaged from being 400+ lbs for so many years…losing 210 lbs in 5 years…essentially gaining 1/2 of that back over the next 5 years. Oh and starting the whole losing process again this year. I have put my ticker through a lot. She is totally within her right to say "I quit this bitch!" Thankfully, she is strong and healthy. I will show my gratitude by continuing to focus on eating healthy/weight loss.

Soooo…boring entry for you, but happy declaration for me. By the way, I am not using my doctor’s office weight as my official weigh in because it wasn’t on the WW scale, i was wearing shoes *and* carrying my purse. LOL Will check in next week!

Have a good evening,

site meter



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March 7, 2012

I imagine you impressed the testers with how easily you ran up the treadmill. People who aren’t used to exercising get all winded, wheezy and weary inside of three minutes.

Glad you’re ok!

Very glad to hear this!

March 7, 2012

That must be a relief to know everything is OK. I’m 65 and wonder what all my dieting my whole life has done to me.

March 8, 2012

I knew you had a good heart 😉 but it’s good to hear it from the doc… glad the ticker is doing well!