WW Week 8 Weigh-in

Hey Lovelies!

Start Weight: 298.4
Current Weight: 285.4
Total Lost since 1/4/12: 13 lbs

Down 0.6 this week…not much, but I’ll take it. This has been a challenging week with my modified workouts (pinched nerve is still on the mend and doc said nothing crazy and upper body-focused for 10 days). I missed my Thursday spin class because I was in pain (and still high as a kite…seriously, the "hard" pills are not for me). I did take a class on Saturday and stayed in the saddle. Climbing and "jumps" involve some upper body and I am not going to get yelled at by my PCP or my chiropractor. Just heal, mmmkay?

Because I know y’all love my dramatic happenings, I believe I had a mild bout (I say "mild" because I didn’t end up in the ER) of food poisoning last night. I don’t know for sure what caused my insides to turn inside out, but I had to have a full blown exorcism in the middle of the night. The beau went to Wal-Mart at 2am and got me pepto, saltines and ginger ale. What a keeper! He puts up with a lot…I was basically one step away from the 360 degree head rotation and green spewage (is that a word?!?)

I feel a little better at the moment, but I’m still cautious with what I put on my stomach. Blah! Needless to say, I am looking forward to feeling 100% in all areas soon.

Hope everyone is having a great week!



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February 29, 2012

Oh, gawd!!! last time I had food poisoning, I was 9 months pregnant with Sasha… supposedly have a New Years eve date with Dwayne. Yeah, we had a damn date alright… an evening taking turns running to the bathroom puking. No fun. 0.6 is better than a gain! Go, girl!

March 1, 2012

oh bless your lil heart 🙁 spewage is never any fun! congrats on the steady loss 🙂

March 1, 2012

Sorry you are injured and sick! I hope you get 100% soon! Great job on the loss! Keep it up!

March 1, 2012