WW Week 2 Weigh-in

Hey Lovelies!

Start Weight: 298.4
Current Weight: 292.4
Total Lost: 6 lbs

Lost 1.2 lbs this week. I am pleased with the result. Part of my "reset" changes is abandoning the idea that I have to drop 4 or 5 lbs every week. If you’re in a weight loss journey, the phrase "I only lost…" should be removed from your mindset. I realize that’s easier said than done, but look at it this way: If you started your journey during the first week of 2012, you can be down over 50 lbs by the end of the year if you "only" lose 1 lb per week. 

I met all the goals I set for this week. Last night’s Emirates event was fabulous! Daryl "Moose" Johnston was our emcee, we ate a lovely meal on the field at Cowboys Stadium and entertainment was provided by Dancing with the Stars regulars. Nice. I didn’t go overboard with food (although I was tempted to eat about 80 of the kobe beef/duck sliders!) or alcohol (I had one glass of champagne and one glass of pinot grigio). Dessert was some chocolate ganache/banana pastry thing. I didn’t finish it, but I made sure to eat all of the ganache-laced bananas…must get our daily fruit in! Heh.

Goals for Week 3
-Gym 4x…must continue love affair with stair climber or I will be in a world o’ hurt during the Big D Climb.
-Increase H2O…I am truly slacking on my water…nowhere near the daily 96oz I’d like to get.
-Decrease processed treats…I have fallen in love with Newman Own Organics "Ginger Os"…think ginger snap sandwich cookies. I only eat one serving at a time (2 cookies), but I had them 4x last week. No bueno. I am obsessed with having something sweet almost daily, but I’m going to move to high quality dark chocolate and fruit. 
-Lose 2 lbs

How are YOU doing with your goals? Hope everyone is having a great week!

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January 18, 2012

Nice job Emirates! I have never flown them – how is it? And free food/booze is my personal downfall so really admire you for staying sensible while still enjoying a great event 😉

January 18, 2012

Congrats on your good start.