
Hey Folks!

Another lame entry (LOL)….just checking in with a weight loss update. After several weeks of kicking my own ass and being "rewarded" with less than a pound losses, I dropped nearly 5 lbs at weigh-in today. Thank you, sweet Baby Jesus! I am so thankful to my various weight loss buddies/readers for encouragement (and a few "Bitch, stop complaining…you’re still losing!"). After 10 years of ups and downs, it’s easy to get discouraged. I’ve been swimming, spinning, "wogging" in the ridiculous heat (seriously y’all…the temp is set at Hell’s Waiting Room for the rest of the week)

     Thu         Fri           Sat
partly cloudypartly cloudypartly cloudy
     103°       102°         102° 


Anyway, I am very pleased that my hard work is paying off. I’m down 21 lbs in the last 3 months. Must.Keep.Pushing. Since I’m losing slower than a turtle in molasses, I’ve decided to bribe myself. The reward for hitting the 25 lbs lost mark is a Nook Color. Yeah, Coco is going to work her arse off for the next 4 lbs. Believe that!

Hope all is well, lovelies. I’ll post a "real" entry soon… 🙂



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July 13, 2011

The Nook is a great incentive for losing the next four pounds. Congratulations on your losses. 21 pounds in 3 months sounds like great progress to me.

July 13, 2011

A person can only “work her arse off” so much if the work is building up her arse muscles. It’s a bigger feat than most people realize to simply keep the 20 pounds off, let alone get past a natural plateau. I guess I am trying to provide a cautionary tale. There is one fact they don’t tell you in weight-loss propaganda class. They WILL tell you that muscle burns more calories than fat, but what they don’t let on is that it’s not much more. To get where you are you lost perhaps 30 pounds of fat and added 10 pounds of muscle (fill in appropriate numbers if you’ve been measured with calipers or a dunk-tank for BMI). In other words, the little bit extra that the 10 pounds of muscle is burning doesn’t amount to a scoop of ice cream a day compared to what the fat that’s missing was burning. Just to stay where you are is going to be a lot of work. You are in a race with yourself and the problem is you are an awesome opponent. So anyway, congratulations and keep at it but don’t get discouraged if you seem to be running in place for a while–it’s a far better place than where you started. Don’t ask me how I know these things.

July 13, 2011

You are on a roll girl! Keep it up. You’re getting me inspired again….

July 14, 2011

That’s a great plan! You can do it..get your workout on. I have set a goal to hit the gym 4 times next week and drink a green smoothie for breakfast. Let’s get to brick house!! Good Luck can’t wait to hear the praise report!

July 15, 2011

great job! 🙂 I love losing weight hehe

July 15, 2011

You rock!