
Ok…I know I need to be in time-out for yet another hiatus…actually, I probably need an old-fashioned mama beat down, eh? I promised to write more and then I fell off the face o’ the Earth for 3 months. Horrible. I’m really trying to find my desire to write again. I honestly blame Facebook. I spend most of my time there and it’s pitiful. Anyway, let’s get down to business, shall we?

Things were going well…stress level was starting to improve a bit (mainly because I only work 4 days/week now) and some of the office politics were being handled. Unfortunately, our office head passed away last week and it will certainly turn things upside down. Sherri was truly the glue that held our office together…fantastic lady that was taken much too soon. Seemingly the epitome of health…dead @ 53 years young from a massive heart attack. I believe the heart issue was genetic because her older brother passed from the same cause less than 2 months ago. Can you imagine what the family is going through? Keep your loved ones close and let them know how you feel on a regular basis, folks! 

I went to Vegas in March for Chesty’s 34th birthday bash and it was beyond fun. A friend of hers has connections in the restaurant/bar world, so we got hooked up. We did dinner at Beso (Eva Longoria’s steakhouse) and then took the elevator up to her nightclub Eve and received VIP treatment. Table service, our own bouncer, secluded area. It was amazing. For the actual birthday night, we got the same treatment at Voodoo Lounge…the rooftop club at the Rio. Umm, I could get used to that! Our final night, we saw "O" at the Bellagio. Good stuff!

The Boy
Ken and I are still going strong…can’t believe we’re about to hit 1.5 years. That may not seem like a lot of time to some, but your girl used to be the Black Widow when it came to men, so the fact that I haven’t been tempted to jab him in the eye with a spork is a major accomplishment! Who knows…this one could be around for a long while. I sincerely wish folks would stop pressuring me to get married and breed, though. I like how things are and don’t feel the need to rush into anything just because I’ll be 34 this year and apparently my eggs are drying up. *rolling eyes HARD*

However, I am HAPPY for anyone else that is ready to take the plunge…like my dear friend Cat! We’ve been corresponding for years through OD/emails and one rogue phone call (haha), but never met in person. Well, she is getting married this weekend and I’m making the trek to AR with Ken Doll to see her walk down the aisle! I am so excited…and genuinely happy for her and Sam.  Ahhhh..LOVE!

All Things Fitness Related <–I know this is why you’re reading anyway LOL

First, an update on my personal journey. I didn’t mention it here, but I recommitted to ol’ faithful in April and things are going well. I’ve lost 12 lbs in the last 7 weeks and I’m pleased with the progress. I’m not being ridiculously strict, but I am focused again…and I’m determined for this to be my LAST "do over". For those that have been following me for years, I currently weigh 292 lbs…that is 96 lbs over my lowest weight on WW and 114 lbs lower than my "before" weight. I guess you can say I’m smack dab in the middle of thangs. I choose to avoid being disappointed about the overall rebound gain and focus on the fact that I am still considerably smaller than the "Come to Jesus" version that sent me running to Weight Watchers 10 years ago. I will continue to fight this battle simply because there’s no other option for me. 🙂

Fitness event stuff…I wanted 2011 to be the year that I returned to having a "race calendar". I am doing fairly well with keeping the promise. My first 5K was the Dash Down Greenville in March. 

Next up was the Komen Fort Worth in April…repping Team Tiara, of course.

My next event will be Tour d’Italia in June…looking forward to it because my bike and I need to get reacquainted! 

Ironman Texas
Now for the BIG stuff! My dear friend Donna and I volunteered for the first ever Ironman Texas event last weekend. For those of you not familiar with the distance…2.4 mile swim, 112 mile bike and 26.2 mile run. Bat shit crazy, but exciting! The event was truly amazing! I have never been so inspired in my life. Volunteering gave me an inside look on this intimidating event and it was great to have the opportunity to talk to some of the athletes…huge added bonus was getting to spend some time with Donna…we don’t see each other nearly enough! I also got to meet a few of the folks from her triathlon group and I can say I definitely got the tri bug again. I’ll miss Danskin Austin due to the wedding, but I am committed to Trek in October. I may do a local sprint before then. A few pics from the event…

Donna and I "fresh faced" at 4:00am for body marking duties. FYI, our team theme was "70s", but at the butt crack o’ dawn, this is what you get: an authentic fro, psychadelic flowers and oversize hoochie hoops. The humidity was 1,000%, so polyester wasn’t happening!

How is this for inspiration? Definitely a military man to honor today…

I was fortunate enough to make the IM volunteer video…what a souvenir for me! Check out 1:12 🙂

Soooo…that’s basically what’s been going on with me for the few months! Life has been busy, but blessed. I hope you all are doing well! Now I need to check up on all my diary buddies…that should give some reading material for the next week or so. LOL

Until next time,

site meter



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May 30, 2011

Girlfriend, I remember that specific phone call! Haha! Like Clairee says in Steel Magnolias, “If you don’t have anything nice to say then come sit by me.” Diva, we have now known each other SEVEN years! I started WW and found you in June of 2004. Crazy crazy crazy. I can not wait to celebrate with you on Saturday! And I can’t wait to meet Ken and I PROMISE I won’t ask him when it’s your turn. 🙂

May 30, 2011

You look outstanding!!! Nice pic of you and Ken!!!

May 30, 2011

Glad you are OK. Ironmans are seriously crazy. It’s a pity I’m a non-existent swimmer because then I could add tri to my list of challenges. I looked online and this June/July at the venue used for rowing for the 2012 Olympics, they are doing a tri or duoathlon (for those that don’t want to swim). Don’t think I’ll do it.

May 30, 2011

RYN: Perfect, that’s so close!

May 30, 2011

RYN: I am doing quite a few events. In the last 6 months, I have done 2 5ks and I am doing another one in June with my brother, his wife and some of his friends before he goes to North Carolina with his wife. My times isn’t brilliant – just around 31 minutes. I suppose doing other events will add some spice to my training/goals.

May 30, 2011

You are amazing and look amazing too! Congrats on your 1.5 years and looking that good at 4 am hahahaha 🙂

May 30, 2011

IM is so awesome for inspiration. IMC is held in my hometown and I WILL do it someday 🙂 You look fantastic in all your pictures. Your smile is fabulous!

May 30, 2011

Love all of it!!!! Yay for you!!

May 30, 2011

You are so beautiful! The hair is looking good!

June 1, 2011

Wow I dont know if I could ever do a race.