
current book:
Glamorama – Bret Easton Ellis…had the book for years, never finished…the time is now!

current music:
A friend turned me on to The Noisettes and I really like them. I’m all about different. 

current mood:
Festive…SuperBowl Party today. Annoyed…more snow headed for Dallas.

current shame-inducing guilty pleasure/indulgence:
Snowmageddon has brought on a week of comfort food and 0 activity. I plan to reintroduce myself to chicken boob and the gym tomorrow. Heh.

current drink:

Right now, water…later, Ciroc. 🙂

current movie:
Black Swan was my last theater movie. I enjoyed it…dark and twisted…and enough theories on the ‘net to make me want to watch it again.

current want:
Pay off my biggest credit card

current need: 
To stick with my 2011 financial plan of attack (more on that in a future entry)

current bane(s) of my existence:
Carbs…and the FB friend that keeps posting about the SuperbowEl…really? Of all the typos…I wouldn’t pay to see that shit! haha

current disappointment:
The immature friend that refuses to grow up and accept responsibility…

current excitement(s):
Vegas trip next month

current color(s):

current wish list:
RIM needs to put out an improved Torch…until then, I’m keeping my beloved Bold. I also need to plan a beach trip. I have two tickets that expire in August, so I need to get to it. 

current triumph:
I’ll reach the 6 month mark in my natural hair journey this month. I’m not a rebel. I just decided to go with God’s first design.

current outfit:
PJs…but will soon be changing into a cute top, jeans, boots and a bangin’ TWA for the party. 🙂

current scent:
Oyin Handmade’s Burnt Sugar Pomade…big girls probably shouldn’t smell like pancakes, but my hair loves it!

current inspiration:
Project 50/50

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February 6, 2011

loving the noisettes too! nice entry… am gonna rob it 🙂 x

February 6, 2011

You’re such a star, I was just reading this and nodding…

Love this list so much I’m going to steal it. 🙂 -K

Been lurking for years and although your posts are fewer these days, I still enjoy them. Nice to catch up with you once in a while. Liane