December Goals, Report ‘n Stuff

Good Morning, Lovelies!

Can you tell I’m in a fabulous mood? It’s a DAMN SHAME that so much of my attitude is wrapped up in scale performance. I know I’m not alone in that mindset…it’s just wrong! The majority of men don’t get too concerned about it, but a lot of women judge their day/week based on the scale number and how our hair looks. LOL

Sooo…I lost 4.8 lbs today! *golf claps* I am very pleased because I worked HARD during the holiday week. I enjoyed our family meal, but kept everything in check for the remainder of the time. I even went to the gym on Thanksgiving morning and it was packed! I don’t want to jinx myself, but I haven’t felt this much control in a long time. I recommitted to WW, exercise and food sanity in general on September 29. I’ve lost 21 lbs since then…a little over 2 lbs per week. Coco is satisfied. 🙂

Now on to the popular stuff…the new WW PointsPlus program. I think most of it is a necessary change…like 0 point fruit. It somehow didn’t seem right that a banana was 2 points…the same value for that 100 calorie pack junk food lite mess. I also think it’s great that they’re now figuring in other elements into their top secret Points equation. Will this newfangled program eliminate all of the folks that try to skate by using their "controlled junk food" method? Probably not. However, it will help out the MILLIONS of newbies joining between now and the first week of January…will also be a spark for faithful veterans that need a little twist.

I’m approaching the new program like I’ve done in the past…will be faithful with the understanding that I can fall back to my old friend "Winning Points" if I feel the need. Don’t lecture me. I lost over 200 lbs on WP, so it’s hard to put it to rest. Besides, there’s a "seasoned’ woman in my meeting that divulged she’s still using 123 success. How retro!

November Progress Report

*Lose 8 lbs I’m reluctant to label this as "fail". I ended the month down 7.2 lbs and you know my philosophy…ANY loss is a good loss. I set my monthly weight loss goals as something to shoot for, but I definitely don’t stress myself over it. Honestly, my goal is to just lose something every month. That’s it…be better than the previous month.

*Gym 4x week  – Success! As much as I hate to admit it, keeping my eating in check isn’t enough. I have to move the junk in the trunk. Regularly.

*2 hikes at the Cedar Ridge Preserve – FAIL! Didn’t go hiking once…boo! Silver lining? I saw the interior of 3 different 24 Hour Fitness locations. 😉

*Eat clean – Success! Much better than October…no candy battles!

*Try new healthy recipes – FAIL! But I did try a new product, the Clif C bar…fruit, nuts and sea salt…all over that one!

December Goals
*Lose 8 lbs
*Gym 4x – will eventually get back to 5x per week, but I’m satisfied right now.
*Christmas…one day of the year. Do not fall victim to holiday treats floating into the office and for the love of all things holy, avoid the damn Hickory Farms display at the mall.
*More fruit/veggies
*Try ONE new healthy recipe

Well, that’s it for now. I’ll be back soon for a life update. Hope everyone is doing well!


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December 1, 2010

Hello! I am so in awe of you. I wish I could do this…I am terrible at goals!! I think I will add you to my favs if you dont mind..perhaps your awesome enthusiasm and goal setting abilities will inspire me?!

December 1, 2010

🙂 Happy Holidays dearie.

December 1, 2010

I have to stay away from the Godiva stores, the Cinnabuns stores, and generally the entire food court at the malls when I go. What does that leave me with? Oh, shopping for makeup and shoes. LOL Good job on the weight loss and overall, keeping true to your goals.

You should try the new breakfast/energy bars I posted on my blog… they are yummiliscious! D. 🙂

December 1, 2010

That’s wonderful! Congrats! I’m glad they’re taking steps to counteract the notion that it’s better to eat a bunch of zero-point fruit candies than an apple. I’m also intrigued by the idea of a new points equation; I decided a while back that I would just take the zeroth-order term of that equation (cals/50) and ignore the fat and fiber components in the calculation, but I generally choose high-fiber stuff anyway and my lack of gallbladder means that I pay for high-fat food in other ways. It works pretty well for me but I’m always willing to try mixing it up with something new. (And I’m equally willing to abandon it if it doesn’t work, after my miserable failure with flex points. I heart Winning Points.) (Does the new equation account for sodium, for example? That would be great. Likewise with animal vs. vegetable protein, but I’m guessing that’s too much to ask for.) —

December 1, 2010

Hey there! I remember 123 success! Hahahaha. That might have even been way back when I first joined. Hm. There was also Quick Start. I don’t remember which is which. Way back the first time I joined, it was similar to the diabetic exchange diet and was VERY healthy! You had something like five meat exchanges, two breads, two milks, etc. It was less flexible than the program now, kind of like the healthy checks, but for the whole program. I’ve been really stuck on the same couple of pounds for the last month or so, gr. I have been losing by inches by the scale. a tenth of a pound, two tenths, etc. But I have been lifting heavy so I am trying not to concentrate on the scale so much.