
Hey Folks!

Just a quick progress report. Down 2.6 lbs at weigh-in this morning…that makes 14 lbs in the last 6 weeks or so. I am very pleased…although reluctant to say I’m totally in control now. I feel strong, but we all know a "big relapse" can happen in 3 seconds (the time it takes a person to eat a Little Debbie Zebra Cake…this is pure science, y’all). I’m just taking it one meal at a time.

I had a great workout at the gym today…45 minutes of azz kicking cardio. Tomorrow will be G’s spin class. The goal is to get to the gym 4x this week. I’m slowly getting back into the swing of things. Hopefully it will become part of my daily routine again. As of right now, me no likey.

QOTD: if you had a recording of the most horrible thing your family/best friend/coworker has said about you behind your back… would you hit play? why/why not?

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November 10, 2010

I would have to hit play. Ugh. It makes my stomach turn thinking about it, but I would want to know. I’m on a whopping day 2 of calorie counting…I am actually going to try to go to the gym before the week is over. Fingers crossed!

November 10, 2010

I’d bury my head in the sand and wouldn’t want to know. It would prob make me crazy (crazier than usual that is!) Yay for the weightloss! I’m liking your ‘one meal at a time’ thing, makes sense x

November 10, 2010

You go, Girl! Why not? If this person thinks that of you, you need to know and sever the relationship. Why? Because that person is living a lie. Be well, Coco.

November 10, 2010

AOTD: Who decided it was the most horrible? If you haven’t heard it yet, the most important judge hasn’t formed an opinion.

November 10, 2010

Congrats on the weight loss. I would not want to hear the recording, if my family/best friend/coworker loved me they would have the balls to say it to my face. I took my first spinning class tonight…I need to try out a different instructor, this one did not cut it for me and neglected to stop by and make sure I (or the bike) was properly fitted, I liked it and hope to do it again soon.

November 11, 2010

Congrats! I also miss missing the gym, if you know what I mean. I’ve been out of the habit so long I don’t want to deal with the pain of getting back into it. But I will, eventually. I’d definitely want to hear the recording, even knowing that it may say more about them than me. But it may be honestly said, in which case… there’s always room to improve myself. —

November 11, 2010

you keep kicking azz girly!! woohooo! I would be jumpin’ in joy if I could lose 14 lbs in 6 MONTHS! you go with your bad self. and YES, as hard as it would be, I would hit play because I always want to know what people say about me, good or bad.. here are my two cents, spend them wisely 🙂