Report, Goals ‘n Stuff…

Hey Family!

I know…another diary hiatus…I’m really trying to show up here regularly again. I miss OD sometimes…but I’m glad I’m no longer addicted. Some folks were strung out during the technical issue shutdown. I have enough addictions to shake. LOL

October business

I am pleased to report that I lost 9 lbs in October! Can I tell you how amazing that feels? I set some small, back to basic goals to avoid food f*ckery during the Bermuda Food Triangle (Halloween, Thanksgiving, Christmas) and the shit is actually working! <–how is that for confidence? haha

What changed for me? I felt like a slug at the gym. Seriously, it felt like I was back to square one. The beautiful thing about cardio is that it doesn’t take long to get your mojo back. I am still pushing to get back to 5x week. Working out used to be part of my daily schedule…skipping it simply wasn’t an option. I will get back to that point. The other thing that changed was realizing that my double chin is back and making random appearances in photos. Ugh! I can get by with having a big face because I have cute dimples (not arrogance, confirmed fact LOL), but a DC is unacceptable. Oh…and the back fat needs to kick rocks too.

October went so well, I decided to start November off right and weighed in with a 2 lb loss today. Sweet! My goal for the new month is 8 lbs (which may be lofty considering a cup of my mom’s mac and cheese weighs 15 lbs (only a slight exaggeration), but I’m going to chase the goal anyway. Thanksgiving is ONE day. Friday morning? I’ll be in the gym kicking my own leftovers.

The rest of November’s goals…
-Gym 4x week
-2 hikes at the Cedar Ridge Preserve
-Eat clean (I had success in October, but I wasn’t perfect…Looking at YOU, Fun Size 3 Musketeers)
-Try new healthy recipes. I promised the man I’d cook something for him…oy vey.

In other news…

Baby fro is thriving…I think I’ll get that ol’ school Pam Grier ‘do for Halloween 2011 afterall. The body? Eh…maybe I’ll be Patty Grier…Pam’s fluffy cousin. I’m attending a big natural hair expo this weekend. I’m looking forward to seeing all the styles, hitting up vendors and embracing my inner PJ (product junkie).

To my folks that love the BEST of the Real Housewives casts, can we talk about how ridiculous Phaedra is? What woman doesn’t know her due date? LIES. Ms. Holier than thou/judgmental got knocked up before marriage. Oh and she’s a high profile attorney married to a convicted felon. Guess she shouldn’t throw stones. As Dwight would say, "How Dreadful".

I haven’t done a cardio ipod list in awhile, but please know that I’ve added Power (Kanye West), F**k You (Cee Lo), Butterfly (Jason Mraz), Magalehna (Sergio Mendes), Whip My Hair (Willow Smith) and Raise Your Glass (Pink) to the rotation for November. As for movies, For Colored Girls is next on my list…after that, Harry Potter…weeee! My current book is The Lost Symbol. Good Stuff.

I suppose that’s all for now. I’ll be back later to post a few events I have my eye on for 2011. Here are a few recent photos…

Hope you’re all having a great week!

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November 3, 2010

You are such a beautiful woman. Congrats on the weight loss! You’ve inspired me again–I rejoined WW, online this time, about eight weeks ago. I’m down 15.9 lbs. I don’t do a lot of cardio, and almost no steady state. I am doing weight training. Of course since my husband is a powerlifter, and we have our own full gym (including treadmill, bike, and elliptical) it is hard to avoid it,haha. I started on a new program, New Rules of Lifting for Women. Enjoying it greatly so far. I may even enter a powerlifting meet in March! Ohhh….is the last picture the new beau?! He looks very nice.

November 3, 2010

Good luck avoiding Mom’s Mac and Cheese. I envy people who can smile consistently like you do in these pictures. How much time every month do the other women in those pictures spend ironing their hair with a curling iron or a straightening iron or whatever? Another reason to smile is that you look good without doing that.

November 3, 2010

You are such a pretty woman!!! Congrats on the loss [hugs]

November 3, 2010

You’re an inspiration lady!!! Go you! The baby fro is too cute, looks fab on you x

November 3, 2010

9 pounds — that’s fantastic! I may have lost a few myself during October 1-29, but the presence of Halloween candy for the past few days has undone that. I need to get it out of the house so that it doesn’t get worse. Fun-size Reese’s are my vice! —

November 3, 2010

You look great and CUTE man on your arm!

November 3, 2010

I thought this was so cute and positive – will share in honor of your new natural do 🙂

November 3, 2010

I love this entry, and you and the beau are adorable 🙂

You have such a killer smile!! Love the hair, love the smile, love that you’re still on OD and seeing success. Go you!

November 3, 2010

You are looking good! I love those dimples. Congrats on the weight loss. I’m really fighting it right now – actually skipped my WW mtg today and already feel guilty.

November 4, 2010

Be well, friend.

November 10, 2010

you go girl… keep up the good work (weight loss) LOVE the hair!!!