
First, thank you all for the kind words regarding Bentley. I still ache for my little dog, but things are getting easier each day. I’ve had a few coworkers/friends suggest it’s time to get another dog. I am simply not ready. I suppose everyone deals with grief/healing differently. I’m convinced that getting a new puppy right now would be a rebound…and yes, you can rebound with animals. That’s just human nature…we hurt and immediately want relief/comfort. However, this pic on a friend’s FB page almost sucked me in!

Now on to business…

We are busy as HELL. I think I’m finally ready to be in a profession that isn’t affected by rain, snow, wind, volcanic ash, ice, tornadoes, hurricanes, terrorists and irate Jet Blue flight attendants. <–Although most travel slaves silently cheered him on because it was bound to happen at some point. People go crazy during travel. I chose to pursue my travel career in an office because I would catch a case trying to be a gate agent or flight attendant. In other corporate news, our company 10,000 steps challenge started this week. I’m the captain of my team (aptly named Dallas Divas), so I’m hoping it will be a much needed shot in the arm…more on that later.

The Mr.
Things are going well. I am feeling all lovely dovey these days. *sigh* 8 months and I haven’t had the urge to poison him. What is happening to me? I’m losing my edge! I have to tell you that my "niece" Jiyah is not pleased that Auntie Coco has a boyfriend. She gives him the side eye. At age 5, she thinks boys are gross…and she’s right. However, some of them still manage to find a way to woo you.

Can’t Blame it all on Big Bones
Ok…weight loss has been EPIC FAIL the last few months. There are so many things that contributed to my loss of focus, but I am slowly climbing back on the wagon. My goal for the remainder of the year is simply to regain control. I’d like to return to a full race calendar in 2011 and that means starting damage control NOW. I’m not going to talk poundage, but I am more fluffy than I’ve been in awhile and that is unacceptable. As you all know, I’ll never give up on this journey. You’re stuck with my tales from the scale and overall dysfunction forever + 1 day.

Hair and things of that nature

Soooo…I completed my BIG 3 month transition from chemical relaxers! I laugh at this because a lot of people transition for much longer, but I knew that wasn’t for me. I have zero patience and the two textures were driving me crazy. I just wanted enough new growth so you couldn’t see what’s on my mind after I chopped. 3 weeks ago today, I sat in my stylist’s chair and let her shave my head. The appointment fell in the same week of Bentley’s death, so I’m sure some of my coworkers thought I "pulled a Britney" and went off the deep end.

Can I tell you how liberating the whole experience was? As cheesy as it sounds, I felt like I was seeing myself for the first time. I have *never* dealt with my natural hair texture. I got my first relaxer at age 10 and that’s been the routine for 22 years. I’m just getting started, but I am loving the kinks, curls and coils that are starting to surface. Happy to be nappy. I got caught in the rain yesterday and it didn’t cause a national hair emergency! My poor sensitive scalp is singing my praises. I’ve been without chemicals for 4 months and I already notice a huge difference. Good stuff. As for my plans, I’m just enjoying my TWA (teeny weeny afro) right now. As it grows, I’ll start experimenting with twists, braids, etc.

Well, I suppose that it’s for now. I just wanted to let you know I’m still here. I am off to do some serious catching up with your diaries/blogs now. I am off today and with the current monsoon in Dallas (Thanks TS Hermine), I plan to surf, read and listen to some Coltrane. Hope everyone has a great week.


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Love the TWA — and not to sound corny but it did feel liberating when I stopped the relaxers. Connie (LTL-longtime lurker)

September 8, 2010

you look great girl I do think thatis the first group of photos I have ever seen of you! by the way being in customer service I love love love the TWA guy!

September 8, 2010

I love that you’re going natural! I watched “Good Hair” a few weeks ago and thought about you and your transition. I think it’s great. And if you can rock the short short short hair…do it! And you can! I feel you on not getting another dog yet. We lost our family dog, Babe, in October of 2005, and I wasn’t ready until June of 2006, when I got Chubs. You need time to heal! Love you!

September 8, 2010


September 8, 2010

I agree that we can rebound with pets, I think you are smart to resist the urge, you will know when the time is right. I’m glad things are going well…work, the guy, and your TWA, the WL will come around too, I have confidence in you, and I know it is tough managing weight when you are dating!

September 9, 2010

I really love you with the short natural hair. You have such a great face, this really shows it off and complements everything. Hang in there…those puppies are gorgeousness…even I want one, hee.

I think the hair looks great! I couldn’t transition for longer than 3 months either, drove me nearly crazy. Congrats and it is very liberating. 🙂

September 13, 2010

i LOVE LOVE LOVE the new look. ah, puppies. they are so freakin’ cute; but not just yet, huh? i thought about you all weekend. petsmart had their big adoption weekend. *hugs*

September 14, 2010

The TWA is simply adorable and I know you can’t keep your hands out of your hair LOL! Enjoy the journey your hair will thank you! I’ve been BACK natural for 1.5 years and my hair is on my back now lol I love it! Those pups are some sure cuties look like they want to be scooped up but unfortunately DH despises furbabes of any sort :(. Congrats on the mister you must unveil him one of these days 🙂

September 15, 2010

RYN: I kind of know that Texas isn’t so backward as some of the Deep South. This has just been a running joke since my brother mentioned that he had a thing going with the Texan. I just make all these cracks to wind up especially my mother. My mother (when we go to Texas) wants to visit the South Fork Ranch! I know of the Dallas Cowboys (football team) but don’t really follow American football.

September 15, 2010

Have you thought of switching to Slimming World rather than WW? I don’t know what your lifestyle is like but the good thing about SW is that it encourages you to cook your own stuff rather than use branded WW products. Theoretically, you can eat as much as you like (of ‘free’ foods) but these free foods tend to have lots of fibre and so fill you up so you don’t want to eat more.

September 16, 2010

Your hair looks fabulous! I sometimes complain about my hair, and then I remember how many people have to go through hell with their hair just to get it to a point where they can start styling it. And I thank my genes for my hair. Not for the ridiculous history of cancer or my tendency to burn to a crisp after 5 minutes outside, but at least the hair is good. I just wish there weren’t so many naturally skinny people who can’t empathize with those of us who constantly battle the fluff. Keep at it; giving up is the only failure. —

September 16, 2010

RYN: Ok, sounds like WW is similar to SW in that respect. I haven’t tried anything else apart from SW so I can’t comment on WW although I do wonder whether the concepts are the same but dressed up differently. I’m allowed up to 20 SW ‘syns’ and I guess you are allowed ‘points’. Agree with you about temptation. I wonder whether my recent success is due to the goal of my brother’s wedding.

September 16, 2010

If you have a big hair audacious goal then it motivates but day to day life causes you to slip into bad habits. I suppose I need to find challenges like 5k runs and stuff like you have tri. You don’t want to mess up your times because of poor nuitrition I guess. Funnily enough, I have written an e-mail to the SW magazine saying I am visiting Texas. Their editorial policy is quite cheeky.

September 16, 2010

They reserve the right to edit what I send in and it sounds like they will pay little for what I have written. However, I suppose it is a calling card to show that i can write. I do wonder how weight loss differs in the States. Something I might mention to the consultant I meet is that in the UK, physicians sometimes pay for these clubs: http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/10577030 I know some of my

September 16, 2010

fellow club members get ‘free’ classes.

I have followed you for some time (no not a stalker!!) and only had access to internet at work, so could not see how you have been lately. So got my home pc up and you are still here!! So glad and reasuring to see you are doing well. Love the hair! My thoughts and prayers are with you about your puppy, I lost 2 of my dogs this spring and summer. So, I really understand. God bless, Amie

October 6, 2010

rynrmn: seriously, come down. the weather is changing pretty darn fast. it’s perfect for beach sitting.

January 25, 2011

LOVE the hair!!!!!