
Hey Folks!

Down 1.2 this week…that makes a total of 13.2 lbs in 7 weeks. Slow and steady will hopefully make the weight loss stick, eh? Y’all know I’m a challenge whore… my current project is the "33rd Birthday Challenge". The goal is to lose 35 lbs total by 9/18…16 weeks away. Lofty goal, but I’m going for it. My reward will be $5 per pound…and the pot will be spent on an outfit for my shindig. Basically, the quality of the outfit will be based on how hard I work. Sooooo…if I’m sporting an old race t-shirt with a homemade skirt in the birthday photos, don’t criticize…just hug me. LOL

Goals for the week…

-Gym 4x
-Reduce simple carbs…it’s gotten out of control. Must stop with the junk!
-Stay on track during the holiday (i.e. do not eat my weight in BBQ)
-2-3 outdoor cycling sessions…the Cow Creek Country Classic (really…could the name be any longer?!?) is next month and the hills are no joke. Last year it was hot as crotch, so I need less junk in the trunk.

In other news…

-I won another airline ticket at work (yeah, folks hate me…still sporting my Aruba tan haha), so I plotting my next escape. Work is going well. We’re still busy and my paycheck is loving it.

-Camryn’s graduation is tomorrow night. I can’t believe it! My godbaby is growing up. *sniff*

-My mom has decided to enter her famous sweet potato pie in the State Fair contest. She’s been trying out different crust recipes. I will not be sampling any of it. Her coworkers call it "Crack Pie". Yeah…not going to get strung out…again! LOL

-Things are still going well with the beau. I’m very happy…and truthfully, amazed that it’s been almost 5 months and I haven’t had the urge to jab him in the eye. I suppose he’s melting my cold Cruella heart. *sigh*

Here’s a picture for the nosey parkers…please excuse the shiny face…that’s my Pinot Grigio Glow. *guilty*

Hope all is well, my lovelies!

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May 26, 2010

Well, well, well…..! You two look mighty cozy! I’m happy for you, sis! A homemade skirt? You are nuts!

May 26, 2010


You are SO beautiful! What a lovely couple. Congrats on the weight loss! I have hauled my own self back to WW as well. No matter how many times I leave, it’s always what works best, so I am always back.

May 28, 2010

what a cute, cute couple you guys make!!!! you’re gorgeous C and you do look happy with le beau 🙂 happy for you I am! AND congrats, of course, on the continued weight loss, you rawk.. oh and yes, totally hatin’ on your winning another airline ticket.. grrrrrr

What a hottie!! (Jackie)

Two thumbs up girlie. 😉

June 1, 2010

Ooh he is cute! 🙂 And you go girl with the weight loss and the airline ticket! Yay for the good things in life.

i love my new daddy!