Back in the Saddle…

So…April ended up being a great month for me. After much deliberation (and poundage gained), I made the decision to return to Weight Watchers on 4/7. As of today’s weigh-in, I’ve lost 12 lbs. I am THRILLED. As much as I want this to be a fresh start, I can’t help but recognize shades of the "old" Courtney returning…but she’s improved. I am dedicated to following the program (and having similar success like the old days), but I am not allowing the obsession to take over. Version 2.0 seems to be in a much better place. Physically, I still have a sizable chunk of weight to lose, but mentally I am right where I need to be.

As I’ve mentioned, I’ll forever view myself as a recovering food addict, but I’ll never be "cured". I need to treat this as a real addiction and stay on track. Returning to 400+lbs is not an option and I will work daily to keep history from repeating itself.

Goal for the week…
Do not eat like a crazed heifer on vacation. I leave for Aruba this weekend and will be spending 5 days there. I plan to sample some local cuisine, indulge in the fresh fruit and limit the sugary drinks. Oh…and I’m going to swim my ass off. LOL

Hope you all have a great week!

P.S. I just have to post this picture of the Wonder Twins…don’t they look like they’re having a deep conversation? At 15 months, it’s probably wondering how to score a cookie or when the next episode of Yo Gabba Gabba is coming on. Love my nephews!

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April 28, 2010

Way to go! Have a blast in Aruba and blast off some calories while you are there!

April 28, 2010

Oh…and make a video while there, one with you talking!!!

April 28, 2010

Have a blast in Aruba!!! 🙂 And that picture – priceless!

April 28, 2010

I’m truly happy for you…you have done so well!!! *hugs*

we are in it to win it mama! you know i will support you in any way possible. 🙂 and seriously with the cuteness in that picture!

April 28, 2010

Congratulations! Fish and fruit — I just love the islands. I haven’t talked about it much in my diary but I have lost some weight since moving back to CA. I’m starting to feel the obsessive WW me come back and I don’t like it! I need a version 2.0 too… so that I can focus on the marathon and not the sprint. Good luck in Aruba! —

April 30, 2010

1. Congrats on the loss, I’m super proud of you! 2. Have fun in Aruba!!!! 3. The wonder twins are oh, soooo adorable!!!!

May 6, 2010

RYN: you are so silly! hahaha But thanks!! 🙂

May 12, 2010

Wow 15 months?!?! Has it really been that long? Geez! And WTG in getting back in WW I’m back into it myself. WE can do this!