Weigh-in and Random Cuteness…*edit*

I’m pleased to report a 4 lb loss this week! I’ll let you in on a little (not so) secret: Nutrition is a bigger player in this game than most people realize. I had a very busy, stressful week and managed to get 0 workouts in…between work, hearing the news that a close friend’s husband passed away, pulling together to support this friend and heading out of town for the funeral, the gym was the last thing on my mind. I kept my eating in check and hoped for the best at weigh-in today.

I realize that some people can be successful with the eat junk/workout like a demon cycle, but that has never worked for me. My diet has to be clean…and combined with a little moving and shaking at the gym, I can usually lose at a nice rate. As my WW leader mentioned this morning…"Make your eating clean and your workouts dirty…"  <=Yeah, my mind went THERE too. Perverts Unite!

Things have finally settled down in my world and I look forward to getting in some respectable gym time…kicking it off with my infamous Thursday night spin class!

Hope you’re having a great week…

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Edit: Just realized that I forgot to add the "random cuteness" to this entry…oy vey! Here are some Easter photos of the godchildren…




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April 14, 2010

I love dirty workouts… I pretty much love anything dirty, workout or otherwise.

April 14, 2010

I’m sorry your friend lost her husband, glad you could be there for her. Kudos on the weight loss, woo hoo! “Make your eating clean and your workouts dirty” my new motto, thanks for that, lol.

Awesome weigh in!! I totally agree about the nutrition. I’ve found that eating the right foods helps me to not crave so much junk 🙂

April 15, 2010

I’m so sorry about the loss…I know it is hard!!! Congrats on the weight loss, you rock:) She is too cute! Cute lil dress[hugs]

April 15, 2010

I want a dress like that 🙂

April 15, 2010

they are soo cute

April 15, 2010

those girls are so damn cute it hurts to look at them! Congrats on that 4lbs. WTG, girl!

April 15, 2010

Love that motto! Most likely, all the working out you usually do helped keep your metabolism high for this off week, right? That’s what they say, anyway. I have found that taking an occasional week off from working out makes me come back much stronger. Bet you will too! Congrats on getting 4# closer to goal. 🙂 —

April 15, 2010

Thanks for the double-dose of cuteness.

April 15, 2010

Yeah, when I was ‘good’ before my rebound the week before last, I hardly did any gym time and lost 6lbs. This week, I lost 3lb from clean eating and one gym class. Like what your WW instructor says about workouts and diet!

April 16, 2010

– congrats on the weight loss! wooohooo – sorry about the passing of your friend’s husband.. – those babies are ADORABLE!!! (just like their Godmother)

April 16, 2010

OMGOSH look at how they are growing! Camryn almost looks like she’s about 7 or 8 they are too gorgeous!

April 16, 2010

OH yeah all that cuteness made me completely forget the entry LOL WTG with the 4lb loss and I’ll keep your friends lifted in prayer

April 18, 2010

Congrats on that weight loss.

April 20, 2010

Yay on the weight loss!! You are right – it’s all about the nutrition! Now when I want something bad, I have to ask myself how much of the bad stuff can I have versus the good stuff and which will be more filling? It’s really mind over matter…you have to practice it daily and when you slip up realize that its okay. I love food! But I like the idea of dirty work outs! hehehe…

April 20, 2010

Also my condolences on your friend’s husband’s passing. Those are the most adorable girls in the whole world! 🙂 RYN: Thank you! I just have to remember that life goes on…and on…and on. All you can do is keep moving, right? 🙂