
Everyone else is doing it…

current books– Don’t Make a Black Woman Take Off Her Earrings: Madea’s Uninhibited Commentaries on Love and Life-Tyler Perry

current cds– The Breakthrough-Mary J Blige

current shame-inducing guilty pleasure- my addiction to Footballers Wives and Mile High (BBC)

current drink– Water

current wish-list– flat stomach, beach vacation

current favorite song(s)– "Promiscuous"-Nelly Furtado

current favorite film "Four Rooms"-It came on last night and I laughed my ass off…still funny.

current triumph– Kicking ass in the clean eating challenge…

current bane of my existence– my non-flat stomach, my coworker "Shrek"

current celebrity crush– Darren Sharper (NFL)

current favorite favorite– I love you all!

current favorite notes– I don’t think you have a fat face! You just have a gracefully slim neck. 😉

current color of toenails– M•A•C Molasses

current indulgence– I’d say it was Phat Camp. The majority of the campers are from Chicago or surrounding areas. I’m flying in…like the travel diva that I am. LOL

current mood– Happy…Day 45 of clean eating *and* Camryn is 7 months old today.

current saying– "Later, Skater…" My coworker (and fellow high school classmate) resurrected some 90s slang last week and I can’t drop it.  

curent love– My mommy…we’re going to have a special day tomorrow.

current mind trip– I’ll be 29 in 4 months. WTF?

current song lyrics– "I found you, Ms. New Booty…"

Ok…so here’s the real entry. I really don’t have much to say…my week from hell speaks for itself:

Sunday 5/7-I killed a yellowjacket inside the apartment. No biggie, right? We keep our windows open from time to time. Well…another appeared after a few minutes. We ended up killing 9 of the bastards before we grabbed the dogs, a few clothes and hit the road. We stayed at Chesty’s parents house for 2 nights while our apartment was being examined. The findings? 2 nests hidden on our patio. Good Lawd. I thought it was the beginning of the end. Locusts, Yellowjackets…whatever.

Tuesday 5/9-We’re finally cleared to go home. Great news! The fumes jacked with my asthma, but I was happy to be home.

Wednesday 5/10-Bentley starts showing signs of more stones. He’s straining to urinate and panting. I freaked out. He’s been on a special diet and I’m pissed that the stones have returned (especially after his $1800 surgery in October). We took him to the hospital. After x-rays, urinalysis and $445, he was diagnosed with an infection in the prostate. He’s on antibiotics for 3 weeks (I loooooooove pushing pills down Schnauzer throat). I’m glad my little buddy is ok…but DAMN. Can a sistah get a break from the vet bills? $2200 spent in the last 6 months. His Kate Spade status has been upgraded to Prada.

The positives? My dog is doing much better…just in time for his 10th birthday on 5/16.  Also, despite much stress…Chesty and I stayed on track with our eating. I  wasn’t going to ruin our 50-Day challenge because of the drama.

Anyway, that was my week. Thursday and Friday were a blur…I was basically emotionally drained and numb. Today is much better. I hit the gym this morning and killed 600 calories. Tonight is up in the air. I think I may just chill at home. We leave for Chicago on Wednesday and I’ll have 2 whole days to play before Phat Camp begins.

Hope you all have a great weekend…and Happy Mother’s Day!


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May 13, 2006

You deserve the happy Mom’s Day wishes, with all the care of Bentley! With a name like Bentley, though, why am I not surprised that his “repair” bills cost a fortune? 🙂 Ooh! My note made the list! Glee!–

May 13, 2006

Bentley is quickly becoming aptly named, eh? Seriously, I’m glad he’s okay. *hugs*

May 13, 2006

I’m glad he’s better! Have a good Mother’s Day tomorrow!

May 13, 2006

Happy Mom’s Day to you. Bentley…you really don’t have to prove Mommy named you right. 🙂

May 14, 2006

back to you too

I’m such a hater about your trip. Did I mention that Chicago is on my list for PhD programs? Well, it is! I’m so sorry about your doggie. Goodness, you are a good mama! Smooches…

I’m glad B is doing better! Vet bills are insane. But like good pet Mommies, it doesn’t matter. I always think of it this way “if Shelby was my daughter and not my cat I’d spend the money”. good luck in Chicago. my family lives there so chances are you’ll be surrounded by crazy ass polocks!

do you have any idea how much i love and appreciate you?

new cell phone: 856-889-8964 new home phone: 856-797-7032

May 16, 2006

Awhile back you talked about the beginning runners handbook…did you like it? Was it very informative? I am thinking of taking up running and trying to find anything that will make me not dread it so much….=)

May 21, 2006

Omg! I have a total of 120 pictures of this man. He is a chocolate dream! Yum.