Happy Friday!

Good Morning, kiddies…

I don’t know why I’m so chipper today. Aunt Flo is here and my uterus feels like its auditioning for Breakin’ 3. Yes, Kat…there’s going to be a third installment of our loveable 80s franchise. LOL

Anyway, I guess my mood is stellar because everything is moving along nicely. Work is slammed, of course. If y’all knew what I account I worked for you’d tell me to STFU and deal with it. At least I get free airline tickets, right?

Boot Camp Before Phat Camp (BCBPC for short…haha) is going well. I’m on Day 22 of clean eating and my body is singing my praises. I think Phat Camp will give me a huge boost of motivation and hopefully it will last through the end of the year. I still have mini freak-outs when I realize I’m no longer counting points and attending WW meetings. I was comfortable with the program…but it was time to try something else. I’m still not sure if the "new" method is a permanent change or just another Courtney Experiment. Despite being the same size/weight for over a year now, I feel good. I guess it makes my weight loss journey a bit boring these days, but I’m ok with that. It’s been 5 years now. I knew the flashy show would eventually start resembling a normal life.

Next Saturday, Chesty and I are heading to Georgetown (near Austin) to do the Red Poppy Ride. We’ll be doing the 30 mile course. Hopefully there won’t be any crash issues this time around. I hate that I’m still nervous on my bike…but the experience was traumatic…and my damn knee is still recovering. The wound is healed…but I’m still sporting a nice purple bruise and everything is tender. It’s so hard being an athlete! *dramatic sigh*

My friend K is going to volunteer at the Danskin this year. She’s a cancer survivor and I think she’ll be truly inspired by the event. Speaking of Danskin, it’s only 7 weeks away! If anyone will be in Austin the weekend of 6/9, let me know.

Well, I need to get going. I hope everyone has a great weekend!


P.S. Hershey’s makes a new product called "Sticks". They are 60 calories each and small, but effective. I had 2 last night to ward off my AF sweet craving and it worked. I purchased them at Wal-Mart ($1.68 for a box of 9). Hershey’s doesn’t have any product information listed on their site yet, but I found a press release. Enjoy!

P.S. The Sequel: Today’s Random Eye Candy…

Yes, I know he’s married with a kid…and apparently, another one on the way…but I still love him.

Ok…I’m gone for real now!

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April 21, 2006

I’ve seen those Sticks before, but haven’t tried them. Enjoy your weekend!!!

April 21, 2006

Both of those chocolate yummies look great!!!! Have a wonderful weekend!

April 21, 2006

I’m drooling over the second candy picture….Oh my god…. 🙂

April 21, 2006

Oh, how I could go for a caramel-filled chocolate. Mmm…

April 21, 2006

I love Boris… the last two movies he’s been in he’s had hair… I like him bald better!

Hershey’s–yum. Eye Candy–yummy again. I will probably have to see Breakin’ 3. But now that Anna is here, I’m betting it will either be on video or at a “Mommy Matinee” at the cheap theater.

April 24, 2006

Wow, um, lucky wife she is. 🙂 Typing like yoda I, apparently, am. Maintaining for a year sounds like sweet success to me!–

dude, my utey is right there on the cardboard doing the nickle with yours!!!! i hate my uterus. it’s the devil. oh and that dude….GIMME!