Terror on the Road…

Ok…maybe that’s a tad bit dramatic…but yesterday’s ride had twists, turns and plenty of blood.

Chesty and I headed out to the event at 6:30am (listening to a little motivational EWF). I had the usual pre-ride butterflies, but I felt ok. Mild congestion, but no sore throat. Friday’s weather was beautiful…80+ degrees and sunny. Saturday morning was cloudy, windy and cold (I hate Texas weather…with the heat of 1,000 suns).

The ride was a small, family-oriented event and started with no issues. There were a few kids on the route, but they stayed close to their parents…with the exception of Little Johnny. He was eagered to show everyone how fast he could ride on his new Trek and broke away from his dad. He ended up cutting across a row of riders and came to a complete stop (no warning) in front of me. My cycling shoes are clipped into my pedals…and his sudden movement didn’t allow me enough time to unclip and stop. I couldn’t swerve without hitting a cyclist on either side…so I went crashing to the ground. The little boy was fine…he didn’t even get knocked off of his bike…but he caused 3 adult cyclists to wipe out completely.

It took everything I had (and most likely the Lord holding my tongue) not to spew all kinds of nasty profanity at the little boy and his irresponsible father. My palm is swollen and bruised and my elbow is scratched up. My knee took the worst hit…

LOL Y’all know I had to take a picture of my first sports injury. I think this officially qualifies me as an athlete (Buddha Belly be damned). Sorry if some of you are squeamish…

Anyway, today I feel like I’ve been in a car accident. My entire left side is aching and sore. I’ve been alternating heat/ice, taking ibuprofen and using Icy Hot. The anger is gone and I’ve turned this into a learning experience. Yes, the little boy was at fault, but he was young (10) and didn’t know the rules of the cyling road. I should have made a conscious effort to avoid him at all costs (hard to do considering how erratic his riding was…but whatever). Despite the injuries, I can still find the positive aspects: I completed the first ride of my 2006 season and despite crashing early (mile 5), I finished the course…with a constant stream of blood running down my leg. CyclingChick is tough a cookie…

Well, I’m going to go soak in the tub and get ready for Mommy’s visit.

Until next time…

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um yeah, i would beat hell out of the little bastard with my genuine lance armstrong live strong water bottle.

April 9, 2006

Kudos on finding something positive in this experience. Of course you are an athlete…strenuous sports are part of your everyday life and that is my definition of an athlete. You rock. I hope the injury heals quickly and the pain lessens soon.

April 9, 2006

Ack. You have way more inner strength than I, C! Not only for finishing the ride, but also for not verbally lashing that kid and his father.

April 9, 2006

I hope his dad at least apologized! But it is kinda awesome that you have a sports injury!

April 9, 2006

HOLY SHITE!!!! YOur knee is scary!!! 🙁 I’m glad you’re ok, ‘cept for the wounds. We can patch your skin, but we can’t replace the CyclingChickDiva!!! 🙂 RYN: Working on it 🙂 I need my LW to man the camera for me so I can get a decent shot 🙂

April 9, 2006

I now crown you The Queen of Athletes. All hail the power of Queen Cycling Chick. girl, I would have tried to strangle the kid! Just kidding (a little…..) !

April 9, 2006

WOOOHOOO!!!! you’ve got your first badge of the road! well done on the ride. personally, i think that little boy would have gotten his ears burned by my choice of words. and that father would have gotten some nasty looks from me. lol

April 9, 2006

Wow… that does look nasty- no stitches? I’m surprised. Congrats on finishing your trek and not killing the kid on the trek. *hugs*

You are a good one Sister, because I would have had to told Daddy Johnny a few things! How trifling!! I HATE kids!! I hope you heal soon! Smooches…

April 10, 2006

That boy’s parents should be shot! Why oh whyyyyyyyyy? You finished the course which is great! Hope you are feeling better soon.

April 10, 2006

Yeah, I wouldn’t be mad at the kid after the initial reaction… but I’d continue to be furious with the parent(s). Doesn’t matter if he’s 10, he can still be taught etiquette. Blood as a badge of honor… ah yes. 🙂 You rule for finishing.–


April 10, 2006

OW!!! I’m so impressed that you finished the ride!!!! I’d have gone home bawling.

April 10, 2006

Ouchie on the knee! Sounds like a great experience though.

April 11, 2006

It’s about damn time you were initiated properly. Wear your injury with pride. 🙂 Of course I do hope you’re feeling better, and that it’s not too painful. Consider it a battle scar

April 12, 2006

so sorry hun