
Hey Kiddies-

My sore throat is gone, but I’m still congested and weak as shit. I know I should stop complaining about it…but a sistah is pissed off. Since converting to the "healthy lifestyle" 5 years ago, my illnesses have been very limited. The last 6 weeks has sucked royally and I don’t know what’s going on. Colds…strep…sinus infections. Oy vey…

Today is the start my Mommy’s birthday weekend (she turns 50 on Sunday), so I’m off today. We’re going to do a weekend of Leisure Lady activities…shopping, dining, pampering…you know the drill.

Tomorrow morning is the Plano Pedals & Paws event. Chesty and I are leaving the Super Schnauzers at home so we can participate in the 20 mile bike ride. My strength level is currently at -2, so the ride should be interesting. I’m going to pace myself, stay hydrated and say a little prayer. My friend B is bringing his dog Cinco (named for his 5/5/05 adoption date…LOL) to cheer us on and meet other pups.

After the ride, Mom and I will do more running around…including a stop at the salon. I’ll definitely need my wig split after the ride. Helmet hair is heinous…

Saturday night is up in the air…but it may involve J. We’ll probably play Scrabble or something…

Sunday morning (weather and tired cycling legs permitting), Chesty and I will go hike at the Nature Center. Mom will be at our place Sunday afternoon for a few surprises (she reads my diary, so I have to be vague).

So…that’s my weekend…what do YOU have planned?

My kind of bunny…

"The Cookie Thief" – photo copyright Kem Sypher, winner in the Oregon Humane Society’s "Be Kind to Animals" Contest.

Phat Camp is about 5 weeks away. I’ve been talking to a few other campers and we’re all excited about getting our asses kicked enhancing our nutrition and exercise knowledge. Chesty and I (Wow…I use that phrase a lot, huh?) are planning a trip to the Nike/Reebok outlets to shop for nice workout gear before camp. I’m contemplating having a custom pocket added to mine…you know, for my health insurance card. Something tells me I need to have it present at all times. Kidding, of course. Maybe.

Has anyone ever planned or attended a divorce party? The work crew wants to throw one for a fellow coworker and I need some ideas, por favor. Email me, dahlings…

Today’s Random Eye Candy: Wentworth Miller

Ok, I’m out of here! Hope you all have a great weekend…


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April 7, 2006

Cute bunny picture! He looks like one of my rabbits, Kahlua. Oh boy, though, cookies are as bad for rabbits (if not worse!) than they are for people. Hope you get better soon–that sort of stuff sucks eggs big time. Have fun with your mom! Linette

April 7, 2006

I hear that Wentworth is gay, my dear. Haha…I heard it from Perez Hilton though, so what do you do? You totally got me hooked on that site. Can you BELIEVE they kicked off Mollie Sue? Damn Tyra and her personality thing. Pisses me off, she was my favorite. I’m sure you & J will have a great time playing “scrabble”. Haha. You would be so proud of my eating & exercising! Love you!

April 7, 2006

Oh I could eat him up with a spoon!! Have fun this weekend!! 🙂 take care hun!

April 7, 2006

I hope you’re feeling better soon, C! And wish your mom a happy birthday from Michigan! 🙂

diva it’s me. 🙂

April 7, 2006

OMG OMG OMG….guess what!!! I have two days vacation now! *dances like a loon*

April 8, 2006

I hope the bike ride goes well! I’ve gotten to where I don’t get sick too often any more either, which I think makes me more of a baby about it when I do get sick! I applaude you for your determination! And I hope you have a great weekend with your mom!

April 8, 2006

sorry to hear you have been feeling crappy, same here girl, I know the feeling. I’ve been sick with the flu since Tuesday, I missed work Thursday and Friday cause I couldn’t even get out of bed, sore, achy body, etc. yuck. NEways, hope you feel better girly.